A : Excuse me, ①
B : Oh, yes, please. I’m looking for Asahi Station. Do you know the station?
A : Yes, ② I’ll take you there.
B:Thank you. You’re so kind!
(問い)買い物に行く途中のあなたは、困っている様子の外国人を見かけ、手助けを申し出ました。対話文の① と②に、それぞれ4語以上の英語を書き、対話を完成させなさい。
ただし、①にはI(私は、私が)、② にはway(道、道筋)を必ず使うこと。なお、下の語を参考にしてもよい。
〈語〉 助ける、助け help 〜を知っているknow ~
① Can I help you? (何かお手伝いしましょうか?)
4語以上で I を使うということに注意する。
② I know the way to the station.
数学のテストを終えた賢人 (Kento) と留学生のナンシー (Nancy) が教室で話しています。二人の対話が成り立つように、下線部①から③までのそれぞれの ( ) 内に最も適当な語を入れて、英文を完成させなさい。ただし。( ) 内に示されている文字で始まる語を解答すること。
Kento : Oh, no. I don’t know what to do.
Nancy: ➀Kento, you (l ) (s )nervous.
Kento : Well, Nancy, the math test was very difficult. I’m disappointed in myself.
Nancy: You prepared for the test yesterday, didn’t you?
Kento : No. ②I (m ) math for English (l ) night. So I studied English,not math.
Nancy: I see. You should forget the past, and do your best for tomorrow.
Kento : ③Thank you (f ) your (a ).
(注) be disappointed in ~ 〜にがっかりしている
① look so 〈look ~ ~のように見える〉
② mistook last 〈mistake ~ for‥ ~を‥と取り違える〉
③ for advice 〈Thank you for ~ ~をありがとう〉
Japan is surrounded by the sea and people in Japan can see many kinds of fish and sea animals.
However, it may be difficult for them to survive. In the world, about 8 million tons of plastic waste go into the sea every year. So, we should protect the sea for the future. This story is about ➀ the way to solve it.
You may know Aichi is famous for making things, such as pottery and cars. But do you know that, in 2019, Aichi produced the most plastic products in Japan, about 12%? Plastic parts produced in Aichi are ( A ) in stationery, electronic devices, and so on. A lot of plastic products are around people in Japan. They are useful and support their daily lives.
Plastic products are convenient, but plastic waste is causing some problems in the sea. Plastic waste on roads moves into rivers, and then they carry the waste to the sea. ②So there 【 in / is / our daily lives / from / plastic waste / a lot of 】 the sea. Some people say that sea animals may eat the plastic waste and die. Other people say dangerous chemicals adhere to small pieces of plastic in the sea and fish may eat them. If we eat the fish, we may get sick. We should know plastic waste is a big problem not only for fish, but also for people.
Now many countries are trying hard to reduce plastic waste. One example is free plastic bags which people often use after shopping. In 2002, people in Bangladesh stopped using plastic bags for the first time in the world. In 2015, shops in the U.K. started selling a plastic bag for 5 pence. In 2018, people in more than 127 countries stopped using free plastic bags or any kind of plastic bags.
In 2020, Japan started selling plastic bags instead of giving free plastic bags. In fact, Japan has reduced about three quarters of plastic bags for a year.
What should we do to reduce plastic waste? Aichi is running a campaign and trying to keep the sea clean. The campaign tells us that it is important to be interested in plastic pollution and take action. We should take our own bags for shopping instead of buying plastic bags after shopping.
The sea and the land are connected in nature.
Our daily lives on the land influence many lives in the sea. Let’s change our behavior as soon as possible. Taking action will make the sea cleaner.
(注) part 部品
adhere to 〜 〜に付着する
reduce~ ~を減らす
free 無料の
Bangladesh バングラデシュ
for 5 pence 5ペンスで(ペンス:英国の貨幣単位)
pollution 汚染
(1) ➀ にあてはまる最も適当な英語を、次のアからエまでの中から一つ選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. the sea, plastic pollution and
イ. sea animals, Japanese people or
ウ. Asian countries, plastic waste and
エ. global warming, renewable energy or
(2) ( A )にあてはまる最も適当な語を、次の5語の中から選んで、正しい形にかえて書きなさい。
have live make save use
(3) 下線②のついた文が、本文の内容に合うように、【 】内の語句を正しい順序に並べかえなさい。
(4) 本文中では、ビニールぶくろについてどのように述べられているか。最も適当なものを、次のアからエまでの文の中から一つ選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. Fish and sea animals do not eat small pieces of plastic bags as food at all.
イ. Japanese people use plastic bags to reduce plastic waste and to keep the sea clean.
ウ. In 2002, people in Bangladesh started using plastic bags for the first time in the world.
エ. Many countries in the world have changed rules to reduce plastic bags since 2002.
(5) 次のアから力までの文の中から、その内容が本文に書かれていることと一致するものを二つ選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste come to Japan by the sea.
イ. About 12% of the people in Aichi have been making only pottery and cars since 2019.
ウ. People in Japan live their daily lives with a lot of convenient plastic products.
エ. Plastic waste in the sea influences sea animals, but it does not influence people at all.
オ. It is important for the people in the world to be interested in only plastic pollution.
カ. The sea and our lives are connected, so changing our behavior makes the sea cleaner.
⑴ ア
This story is about the sea, plastic pollution and the way to solve it.
⑵ 使われているという意味が入る。受動態であることに注意して、usedが最適。
⑶ So there is a lot of plastic waste from our daily lives in the sea
a lot of~ たくさんの~
daily lives 日常生活
⑷ エ
In 2002, people in Bangladesh stopped using plastic bags for the first time in the world.
⑸ ウ、カ
ア. Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste come to Japan by the sea.
毎年、約800万トンのプラスチックごみが日本に流れ着いている。 ×日本にではなく、世界中で
イ. About 12% of the people in Aichi have been making only pottery and cars since 2019.
2019年から、愛知県に住む約12%の人々が陶器や車を作っている。 ×本文に書かれていない。
ウ. People in Japan live their daily lives with a lot of convenient plastic products.
日本に住む人々はたくさんの便利なプラスチック製品と生活している。 〇
エ. Plastic waste in the sea influences sea animals, but it does not influence people at all.
オ. It is important for the people in the world to be interested in only plastic pollution.
世界中の人々がプラスチック汚染のことのみに集中することが大切だ。 ×onlyが不要
カ. The sea and our lives are connected, so changing our behavior makes the sea cleaner.
海と私たちの生活には因果関係があり、私たちの行動を変えることは海を綺麗にする。 〇
彩(Aya) と帰国を控えた留学生のボブ(Bob)が昼休みに教室で話しています。次の対話文を読んで、あとの(1)から(4)までの問いに答えなさい。
Aya: Hi, Bob. When will you go back to your hometown?
Bob: Hi, Aya. I’ll go back to San Francisco next month.
Aya: 【 a 】
Bob : Wonderful! I have learned about Japan in our school since last year, so I often talk about it with my host family.
Aya: Please tell me more.
Bob: Well, I learned about QR codes in the class last week. So I talked about them with my host grandfather. I told him that the codes were made in Japan.➀ Then he told me that he ( ) for a Japanese company which first invented the QR code in 1994.
Aya : Did he?
Bob :【 b 】 When I went to a restaurant with my family, my mother sometimes scanned the code with her smartphone to pay the money after the meal. It was very convenient. The Japanese technology has supported our daily lives in America.
Aya: 【 c 】 Did you talk about anything else?
Bob : Yes, we talked about evacuation drills. I think it’s another strong point of Japan. Japanese drills are different from American drills.
Aya : Is that so?
Bob :【 d 】Then fire alarms in the school make loud ( A ) suddenly, and let us know the drill has started.
Aya: I’ve heard that some schools in Japan have that kind of drill.
Bob: Great! During my stay here, I’ve known that many Japanese prepare for disasters, such as fires, earthquakes and heavy rain.
Aya:【 e 】 My family has made an emergency kit and we keep it in the house.
Bob : Oh, have you? ②My host family knows how much food and water they should store, and they also know ( ) the local shelter is during a disaster. It’s amazing!
Aya: Our family, too. It’s important for everyone to prepare for an emergency.
Bob: I agree with you. After going back to America, I’ll tell my family to store food and water in case of a disaster.
(注)QR code 二次元コードの一つ
scan〜 〜を読み取る
loud 大きい
(1)〈思考力〉次のアからオまでの英文を、対話文中の【 a 】から【 e 】までのそれぞれにあてはめて、対話の文として最も適当なものにするには、【b】と【 d 】にどれを入れたらよいか、そのかな符号を書きなさい。ただし、いずれも一度しか用いることができません。
ア. Yes. The codes are also popular in San Francisco.
イ. I see. Japan has a variety of disasters every year.
ウ. Your stay in this school has passed quickly. How’s Japanese school life?
エ. Yes. On a fire drill day, students in my school don’t know about it at all.
オ. Sounds good. Technology is a strong point of Japan.
(2) 下線①、②のついた文が、対話の文として最も適当なものとなるように、それぞれの( )にあてはまる語を書きなさい。
(3) ( A )にあてはまる最も適当な語を、次のアからエまでの中から選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. voices
イ. laughter
ウ. sounds
エ. songs
(4) 次の英文は、対話があった日の夜、彩が英語の授業で発表するために書き始めたスピーチ原稿の一部です。この原稿が対話文の内容に合うように、英文中の(X)(Y )にそれぞれあてはまる最も適当な語を書きなさい。
Strong points of Japan
Japan is so wonderful. One day, I learned a new fact when I talked with Bob, a student from America. He knew about QR codes in America and he learned, in the class, that they were created in Japan. A Japanese technology is spreading to another country, giving the people a convenient life and ( X ) their daily lives!
In addition, many Japanese are ready ( Y ) a disaster. Bob was surprised to know that many Japanese have stored some food and water in case of a disaster…
ア. Yes. The codes are also popular in San Francisco.
イ. I see. Japan has a variety of disasters every year.
ウ. Your stay in this school has passed quickly. How’s Japanese school life?
エ. Yes. On a fire drill day, students in my school don’t know about it at all.
オ. Sounds good. Technology is a strong point of Japan.
a→ウ b→ア c→オ d→エ e→イ
➀ Then he told me that he ( worked ) for a Japanese company which first invented the QR code in 1994.
②My host family knows how much food and water they should store, and they also know ( where ) the local shelter is during a disaster.
⑶ ウ
Then fire alarms in the school make loud ( sounds ) suddenly, and let us know the drill has started.
⑷ X: supporting Y: for
Japan is so wonderful. One day, I learned a new fact when I talked with Bob, a student from America. He knew about QR codes in America and he learned, in the class, that they were created in Japan. A Japanese technology is spreading to another country, giving the people a convenient life and ( supporting ) their daily lives!
In addition, many Japanese are ready ( for ) a disaster. Bob was surprised to know that many Japanese have stored some food and water in case of a disaster…
対話文(A :外国人の同級生,B:あなた)
A : What are you doing?
B: I ①.
A : Why?
B : Because ②. I’ll go back to Japan tomorrow.
A : Oh, really? I feel so sad, but I hope to see you again.
〈語〉掃除する、綺麗な clean 使う use
①am cleaning my desk now
②today is the last day for me
二人の対話が成り立つように、下線部①から③までのそれぞれの ( )内に最も適当な語を入れて、英文を完成させなさい。ただし、( )内に示されている文字で始まる語を解答すること。
Keiko: Hi, Leon. How are you enjoying your new life in Nagoya?
Leon : Hi, Keiko. It’s great. I traveled a lot. ①It’s not (d ) to travel (b ) train. I can find some train stations near my host family’s house, so it’s convenient.
Keiko: I see your point. How about your school life?
Leon : It’s exciting because I have new classmates. ②They often (h ) me (l ) Japanese. Thanks to them, I understand many Japanese words and enjoy my life here.
Keiko: Sounds good. What do you think about our school uniform?
Leon: I like it and I think school uniforms save time. ③We don’t (h ) to (c ) clothes every morning!
① difficult by
② help learn
③ have choose
have to ~ ~しなければならない。save time で、時間の節約という意味なので、服を選ぶ必要がないということを伝える。
The world is a very wonderful and interesting place that is full of nature. Plants and animals have important parts in the ecosystem. Even small insects have their own roles. Do you know that over 60% of all the known species on the earth are insects? That’s true.
Many studies are ( A ) and scientists are getting worried about the results. According to a study in Germany, over 75% of flying insects have decreased. There are many reasons, such as air pollution, water pollution, ground pollution, a lot of chemicals to save plants, and so on.
Some insects are bad for us because they eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. However, others are useful for us. Actually, they pollinate most of the plants on the earth. If the number of insects decreases, the number of plants will decrease, too. Also, many of these insects are food for birds and other animals.
What will these birds and animals do without food? They cannot survive. Insects are small, ①
How can this problem be solved? Some people are working to solve this problem. ②They say that this problem can be solved 【 understand / insects / of / the importance / people / when 】. Insects are necessary for humans. One example is a department store in Osaka, Japan. In 2020, it started to raise about 50,000 bees on top of the building. The bees search for flowers around the department store and collect pollen from flowers.
The bees move from flower to flower when they collect pollen. This helps pollination. Thanks to the bees, some of the local plants can grow, and bees can make honey in their hives. The department store shows the customers the bees and sells the honey. Their goal is to tell the local people about the importance of bees and the environment.
We have another good example. At a high school in a big city, students are also taking care of bees because they want to share the importance of bees with other people. The students learned the important relationships of human beings and nature. They made picture books. So children can learn the relationships from the books. More and more people are starting to understand the serious problem and scientists are working together to take action. Insects are useful for us. What can we do?
We can learn from other examples, raise more insects, and increase plants. Now, let’s continue helping each other to protect the environment!
(注)earth 地球
pollution 汚染
pollinate ~ 〜に授粉する
raise 〜 〜を育てる
bee ミツバチ
pollen 花粉
pollination 授粉
honey はちみつ
hive ミツバチの巣
(1) ( A )にあてはまる最も適当な語を、次の5語の中から選んで、正しい形にかえて書きなさい。
progress contact imagine drop save
(2) ①にあてはまる最も適当な英語を、次のアからエまでの中から一つ選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. and they have no influence on the environment
イ. but the decreasing number of insects is a big problem
ウ. so their number will increase next year
エ. because it is difficult to research about them
(3) 下線②のついた文が、本文の内容に合うように、【 】内の語句を正しい順序に並べかえなさい。
(4) 本文中では、あるデパートの取り組みについてどのように述べられているか。最も適当なものを、次のアからエまでの文の中から一つ選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. A department store in Osaka is growing a garden in a park.
イ. A department store in Osaka is giving birds and animals food.
ウ. A department store in Osaka is telling people about bees and the environment.
エ. A department store in Osaka is telling people how to make pollen.
(5) 次のアから力までの文の中から、その内容が本文に書かれていることと一致するものを二つ選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. Over 60% of all the known species on the earth are insects.
イ. A lot of chemicals are used on plants to save some kinds of insects.
ウ. There is only one reason for the change of the insect population.
エ. Insects are not important for the environment and for humans.
オ. If the number of insects continues decreasing, plants and animals will also decrease.
カ. Scientists are working together to understand the problems of insects.
(1) progressing
( ) の前にbe動詞 are があるので、ingを加えて進行形にする
ア. and they have no influence on the environment
そしてそれらは環境に影響を与えません ×影響を与える
イ. but the decreasing number of insects is a big problem
しかし、昆虫の数の減少は大きな問題です 〇
ウ. so their number will increase next year
だから来年はその数が増えるだろう ×減っている
エ. because it is difficult to research about them
それらについて調べるのは難しいからです ×減少していることが調べられている
⑶ They say that this problem can be solved when people understand the importance of insects.
One example is a department store in Osaka, Japan. In 2020, it started to raise about 50,000 bees on top of the building. The bees search for flowers around the department store and collect pollen from flowers.
Their goal is to tell the local people about the importance of bees and the environment.
ア. A department store in Osaka is growing a garden in a park.
イ. A department store in Osaka is giving birds and animals food.
ウ. A department store in Osaka is telling people about bees and the environment.
エ. A department store in Osaka is telling people how to make pollen.
(5) 次のアから力までの文の中から、その内容が本文に書かれていることと一致するものを二つ選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. Over 60% of all the known species on the earth are insects.
地球上の、発見されている生物のうち 60% 以上が昆虫です。〇
イ. A lot of chemicals are used on plants to save some kinds of insects.
ウ. There is only one reason for the change of the insect population.
エ. Insects are not important for the environment and for humans.
オ. If the number of insects continues decreasing, plants and animals will also decrease.
カ. Scientists are working together to understand the problems of insects.
×scientists are working together to take actionとあり、行動を起こすために協力をしているので不適
高校に入学した智(Satoshi) と留学生のアマンダ (Amanda) が話しています。次の対話文を読んで、あとの(1)から(4)までの問いに答えなさい。
Satoshi : Hello, Amanda. I’m working on my report. Can I ask you some questions?
Amanda: 【 a 】
Satoshi: It’s about smartphones.
Amanda: 【 b 】
Satoshi : Yes, smartphones are very popular today. Now, some high school students can use smartphones in the classroom. I think this topic is interesting. What do you think about it?
Amanda: Well, I think there are both good points and bad points.
Satoshi : 【 c 】
Amanda: These days, most high school students have a smartphone. They have easy access to the internet. ①If the students can use smartphones in the classroom, their school life is more convenient ( ) before.
Satoshi : I don’t understand your point. Could you give me an example?
Amanda: Sure! For example, students can surf the internet and work on classroom activities more effectively. Sharing information with classmates and teachers is easy. Using the internet from your smartphones is the fastest.
Satoshi : 【 d 】
Amanda: Well, students can find and watch videos about a variety of topics. They can even use it as a calculator or for taking notes in the classroom. A smartphone can be useful for learning.
Satoshi: ②Well, what do you think about the ( ) points?
Amanda: I think that it’s easy for students to lose focus when they use a smartphone. They play games and do various things that are not related to school work. If students cannot use their smartphone properly, there will be a lot of problems in the classroom. This situation will ( A ) other people uncomfortable.
Satoshi : 【 e 】 I understand what you think. We should know how to use smartphones properly.
Amanda: You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear that.
access アクセス(情報システムへの接続)
effectively 効率よく
calculator 計算機
notes メモ,覚え書き
focus 集中
properly 適切に
(1) 次のアからオまでの英文を,対話文中の【 a 】から【 e 】までのそれぞれにあてはめて、対話の文として最も適当なものにするには【 b 】と【 d 】にどれを入れたらよいか,そのかな符号を書きなさい。ただし、いずれも一度しか用いることができません。
ア. I agree. I want to know about the good points first.
イ. I understand. What else can students do with their smartphones?
ウ. Of course. What is your report about?
エ. Sounds exciting. I know a lot of people use smartphones in their daily lives.
オ. Thank you for sharing your opinion. It helped me a lot.
(2) 下線①、②のついた文が、対話の文として最も適当なものとなるように、それぞれの( )にあてはまる語を書きなさい。
(3) ( A )にあてはまる最も適当な語を、次のアからエまでの中から選んで、そのかな符号を書きなさい。
ア. become
イ. removeu
ウ. perform
エ. make
(4) 次の英文は、この対話があった日の夜、智が英語の授業で発表するために書いたスピーチ原稿です。この原稿が対話文の内容に合うように、英文中の( X ), ( Y )にそれぞれあてはまる最も適当な語を書きなさい。
Using smartphones in high school
I want to talk about using smartphones in high school. Some high school students can use smartphones in their classroom. I’m interested in this topic. So, I decided to ask Amanda about her opinion.
According to her, there are both good points and bad points.
Students can find more information from the internet. They can also ( X )the information with their classmates and teachers easily. However, if they lose focus, they may start playing games.
I learned from her opinion. I think it is ( Y ) for us to use smartphones properly.
Thank you.
ア. I agree. I want to know about the good points first.
イ. I understand. What else can students do with their smartphones?
ウ. Of course. What is your report about?
エ. Sounds exciting. I know a lot of people use smartphones in their daily lives.
オ. Thank you for sharing your opinion. It helped me a lot.
【 a 】次の文の It’s about smartphones. スマホについてです。より、ウが最適である。
【 b 】Yes, smartphones are very popular today. こんにち、スマホはとても人気がある。 とあるので、同じような意味のエが最適。
【 c 】前文で、I think there are both good points and bad points.良い点と悪い点があるといっているので、ア. I agree. I want to know about the good points first.同意します。まずは良い点を知りたいです。が最適である。
【 d 】( )の前にはスマホでネットを使うこと、後ろにはその他の使い方がかかれているので、イが最適。
【 e 】意見を聞いたお礼を述べる。オが適切。
①If the students can use smartphones in the classroom, their school life is more convenient ( than ) before.
②Well, what do you think about the ( bad ) points?
⑶ エ
make A B AをBにする
This situation will ( make ) other people uncomfortable.
⑷ X: share Y: important