[No.1 ~ No.3)
*Listen to each talk, and choose the best answer for each question.
放送内容 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Look at No.1 to No.3. Listen to each talk, and choose the best answer for each question. Let’s start.
A : Nancy, look at this picture. It’s me. My friend took it when we were watching a soccer game in the stadium.
B : Oh, you look very excited, Yuji.
A : Yes. I really enjoyed watching my favorite soccer player.
B : That’s great.
Question: Which picture are they talking about?
A : Your lunch looks good, Erika. The sausages look delicious.
B : Thank you, Tony. Yours looks good, too. It has strawberries, but I don’t have any.
A : Actually, I bought them at the supermarket yesterday. They are so sweet.
B : That’s nice. I like strawberries, so I’ll buy some later.
Question: Which is Erika’s lunch?
A : Today, we had English class just before lunch, and we sang an English song. It was fun.
B : Yes. But for me, math class was more interesting.
A : Oh, really? For me, science class right after math class was also interesting.
B : I know you like science, but you like music the most, right? You enjoyed music class in the afternoon.
Question: What day are they talking about?
A 月 | B 火 | C 水 | D 木 | ||
1 | 8:50~9:40 | 国語 | 社会 | 数学 | 国語 |
2 | 9:50~10:40 | 数学 | 体育 | 理科 | 理科 |
3 | 10:50~11:40 | 理科 | 英語 | 体育 | 数学 |
4 | 11:50~12:40 | 英語 | 国語 | 英語 | 英語 |
給食 昼休み | |||||
5 | 13:40~14:30 | 美術 | 技術・家庭 | 音楽 | 総合的な 学習の時間 |
6 | 14:40~15:30 | 社会 |
【No.4, No.5】
※Listen to each situation, and choose the best answer for each question.
放送内容 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Look at No.4 and No.5. Listen to each situation, and choose the best answer for each question. Let’s start.
Kenta talks to Jane at school in the morning. She tells him that she studied for the test until late last night. She also tells him she’s really sleepy because of that.
Question: What will Kenta say to Jane?
Cathy is on her way to Tom’s house, but she cannot find his house. She calls Tom and tells him what she can see around her. Then she asks him to tell her how to get to his house.
Question: What will Tom say to Cathy?
A. What time did you go to bed last night?
B. Where did you play video games?
C. You have to watch TV every day.
D. You should get up early every day.
A. Great. Thank you for the map.
B. No. I don’t need anything.
C. Hello. Can I speak to Cathy?
D. Wait there. I’ll come to you.
※Listen to Ms. Brown. She’s an ALT at a junior high school. Choose the best answer for questions 1, 2 and 3.
放送内容 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Look at No.6. Listen to Ms. Brown. She’s an ALT at a junior high school. Choose the best answer for questions 1, 2 and 3. Let’s start.
Hello, everyone. Before starting English class, let’s talk about last weekend. Did you have a good weekend? I had a good weekend, so let me tell you about it. Last Sunday, I went to Kobaton Park with my family because the weather was nice. We go there twice a month. It’s one of the largest parks in my town. There are many things you can enjoy.
First, I played badminton with my children. The park has a large space to play sports. After that, we had lunch under the cherry blossoms. They were beautiful, and the sandwiches my children made were so good! After lunch, we enjoyed cycling around the park. Spending time at the park on weekends helps me relax.
OK, now, I want you to make pairs and talk about last weekend in English. I’ll give you a few minutes. If you have any questions, please ask me.
Are you ready?
Question 1 : How many times does Ms. Brown’s family go to Kobaton Park in a month?
Question 2 : What did Ms. Brown do first in the park?
Question 3 : Which is true about Ms. Brown’s story?
(1) Question 1
A. Once a month.
B. Twice a month.C. Three times a month.
D. Four times a month.
(2) Question 2
A. She enjoyed cycling.
B. She made lunch.
C. She talked to other families.
D. She played badminton.
(3) Question 3
A. She wanted her students to talk about the park.
B. She likes to think about the weather.
C. She had lunch under the cherry blossoms.
D. It’s necessary for her to stay home every day.
(1) Question 1
A. Once a month.
B. Twice a month.
C. More than twice a month.
D. Every four months.
(2) Question 2
A. She enjoyed cycling.
B. She had lunch.
C. She talked to other families.
D. She played badminton.
(3) Question 3
A. She wants her students to talk about their experiences at the park.
B. It’s important for her to think about the weather every day.
C. She is telling the students how her family spent time at the park last Sunday.
D. The best way to spend time with her family is to be at home.
[No. 7)
※Listen to the talk between Tomoki and Alice, a student from the U.S., and read the questions.
Then write the answer in English for questions 1, 2 and 3.
Look at No.7. Listen to the talk between Tomoki and Alice, a student from the U.S., and read the questions. Then write the answer in English for questions 1, 2 and 3. Let’s start.
Tomoki: Alice, look at these pictures. I took them when I traveled to the U.S. last summer.
Alice: Wow. You took so many. Wait, who is this
Tomoki: He’s my American friend, David. When I was on the bus in San Francisco, he was standing next to me and said with a smile,
“Konnichiwa.” Then, we started talking to each other in English until I got off the bus.
Alice: Did you enjoy talking with him?
Tomoki: Yes. We talked about our hobbies and hometowns.
Alice : That’s good.
Tomoki: Actually, I have an interesting story.
Alice: Oh, what is it?
Tomoki: The next day, I went to the airport in San Francisco to go back to Japan, and I saw him there! I was really surprised to see him again. He said, “When you get a chance to visit the U.S. again, you can come and see me.” Then he gave me his e-mail address.
Alice : Wow!
Tomoki: I’ve kept in touch with him since then. I send him an e-mail once a week.
Alice : You had a wonderful experience in luc
U.S. “Konnichiwa” created a friendship between you and him!
(1) Question 1: When did Tomoki take the pictures in the U.S.?
the airport?
Because he ()) David
there again.
Answer : He took them last ( )
Question 2: Where was Tomoki’s friend, David, on the bus?
Answer : He was standing( ) Tomoki.
Question 3: Why was Tomoki surprised at the airport?
Answer : Because he ( ) David there again.
(1) Question 1: What did Alice ask Tomoki when he showed the pictures to her?
Answer: She( ) the man in the pictures was.
(2) Question 2: How long did Tomoki and his freiend, David, talk on the bus?
Answer: They kept talking until Tomoki ( ) the bus.
(3) Question 3 : Why did Alice feel that Tomoki’s experience in the U.S. was wonderful?
Answer: Because she felt the word “Konnichiwa” created a ( ) Tomoki and David.
a soccer game in the studiumを参照。
「The sausages look delicious」の文からソーセージがお弁当の中に入っていることが分かる。この時点で、選択肢は、AとDに絞られる。
「But I dont have any」 の文からエリカの弁当にはいちごが入ってないことが分かるので答えはAとなる。
「English class just before lunch」の文から英語の後に給食があることが分かる。 この時点で選択肢はAとDに絞られる。
「science class right after math 」の文から数学の後に理科があることが分かるので答えはA。
(1)「We go there twice a month」を参照。
(2)「Fast ,I played badminton with my children」を参照。
(3)「After that ,we had lunch under the cherry blossom」を参照。
(1)「Ⅰ took them when I traveled to the U.S. last summer」を参照。
(2)「he was standing next to me and said with a smil」を参照。
(3)「and I saw him there」を参照。
From: Mika
To: Jenny
Subject: Sai Junior High School Brass Band Concert
Hello Jenny,
How are you?
We have a brass band concert next weekend.
Here’s the information.
Date: Satunday,「 A 」13 Start: 1:30 p.m.
Place: Sai Junior High School Gym
We’s going to play a lot of 「 B 」music.
I’m「 C 」that you know some of the music, and you can enjoy listening to it.
Can you come to the concert? 「 D 」 come with your friends and family too?
Your friend,
〔日本語のメモ〕をもとに、空欄「 A 」~「 C 」にあてはまる適切な1語を、それぞれ英語で書きなさい。なお,略した形や数字は使わないものとします。
〔日本語のメモ〕をもとに、空欄「 D 」に適切な3語以上の英語を書きなさい。
次は、Mikaからの誘いを断る,Jennyの返メールです。あなたがJennyなら、どのような返メールを送りますか。空欄「 E 」に2文以上の英文を書きなさい。1文目はI’m sorry, butに続けて、「コンサートに行けない」ということを伝え、2文目以降は、【語群】の中の語を1語のみ使ってその理由を書きなさい。
From: Jenny
To: MIka
Subject: Re Sui Donior High Sidual Brass Band Canners
Hi Mika! Thank your e-mail.
「 E 」
I hope I can go to yous brass band concert next time.
Your friend,
• dentist
• family
• homework
C 「Im sure that ~」で「きっと~だと思います」なのでsure。
疑問文であることと、空欄後がcomeで終わるので「 Why don’t you」 が適切。
次は、アイルランド(Ireland)のセント・バトリックス・デー(Saint Patrick’® Day)についてAyumiがクラスで発表した英文です。
When I was an elementary school student, I lived im Ireland. I had a great time and a lot of experiences. Today I’ll tell you about one of my interesting experiences in Ireland.
There are a lot of national holidays *related to* religion in Ireland. One is Saint Patrick’s Day, Doyou know it? It is celebrated every year on March
17. These are the pictures of the day. In the pictures, people are wearing green clothes and are dancing on the street. So, the streets become green. [ A ] Why do people wear green clothes on Saint Patrick’s Day?
One of the reasons is related to another name for Ireland, *The Emerald Isle.• [ B ] This name means that (is / the / whole / covered / country ) in green, because it rains a lot, and is warm and wet in summer. So, green is the *symbol* of Ireland and used on Saint Patrick’s Day.
On the day, I wore green clothes and joined the*parade with my family. It was a wonderful time because I enjoyed traditional *Irish music, clothes, and food. [ C ]The sound of Irish music was interesting. I wish I [ ] a traditional Irish *instrument.
Today.Saint Patrick’s Day is becoming popular. It is celebrated in other cities and countries. For example, one of the bigeest parades is *held in New York because a lot of Irish people live there. People are happy to take part in the Saint Patrick’s Day parade,
relate to~
The Emerald Isle
relate to~
本文中の [ A ]~ [ C ]のいずれかに、At first, that looked very strange to me.という1文を補います。
どこに補うのが最も適切ですか。 [ A ]~ [ C ]の中から一つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
( )内のすべての語を、本文の流れに合うように、正しい順序に並べかえて書きなさい。
下線部について、( )にあてはまる最も適切なものを、次のア~エの中から一つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
could play
will play
are playing
have played
本文の内容に関する次の質問の答えとなるように、( )に適切な英語を書きなさい。
Question: What do people in Ireland wear on Saint Patrick’s Day?
Answer : They usually ( )
ア. People in Ireland say that the Saint Patrick’s Day parade is only held in Ireland.
イ. People in Ireland believe that “The Emerald Isle” comes from Saint Patrick’s Day.
ウ. Ayumi joined the Saint Patrick’s Day parade and enjoyed traditional Irish music.
エ. Ayumi thinks that Saint Patrick’s Day has not become popular around the world yet.
I wish I could+動詞の原形で「私が~できたらいいのに」
I wore green clothes 参照。
次の①〜④は、Mr.Itoと中学生のKen, Emma, Yuiの会話です。これらを読んで、問1~問7に答えなさい。
① <In the classroom, Mr. Ito tells the students about the field trip.>
Mr. Ito : We are going on a field trip to Keyaki City next month. There are a lot of places to visit. On the day of the field trip, we will meet at Keyaki West Park at 9 a.m. Each group will start there and come back to the park by 3 p.m. So, you have six hours of group time.
Ken : Can we decide whire to go ?
Mr. Ito : Yes, but you need to go to one of the four places on the list as a check point, so the teachers can see how you are doing. Today, I want you to choose which place to visit as a check point in a group *discussion.
Ken :Uh, it is hard to choose one. We need more
Mr. Ito: You can use books or the Internet to get information
Emma : Can we take a taxi?
Mr. Ito : No. You can travel on foot, by bus or by
Emma : How much money can we take on the trip?
Mr. Ito:You can bring *up to 3,000 yen for the *fares, *admission tickets, and lunch.
Yui: l see.
Mr. Ito: During the trip, don’t forget to take pictures and *take notes about somethin you did. These will help you with your presentation after the trip. OK, please start your group discussions.
discussion 話し合い
up to~~ まで
fare 運
admission ticket 入場券
take notes メモを取る
②<Ken tells the others his idea.>
Emma: Ken, which place are you interested in?
Ken : I am interested in the Sakuraso Tower because we can walk there from Keyaki West Park. It is the tallest building in the area, so we can enjoy the beautiful view from the *observation deck. If it’s sunny, we will see the beautiful mountains. In the tower, we can enjoy a *planetarium show.
The show is about thirty minutes long and performed once every ninety minutes. The tower also has a lot of restaurants and shops.
Emma: That sounds exciting !
Ken:I really recommend it.
Yui:How much is a ticket for both the observation deck and the planetarium?
Ken : Here is the admission ticket price list. We are students, so we can get a 10 percent *discount from the adult price.
Yui: So, the cheapest ticket for us for both *attractions *costs 2,430 yen. Umm… It’s difficult to do everything we want.
Emma: I agree with you, Yui. Though we get a student discount, it’s still expensive. It’s better to choose only one thing to do at the tower.
Ken: I see.
Admission Ticket Price List
Age | Observation Deck or Planetarium | *Combo (Observation Deek and Planetarium) | |
Adult | 13 years old and over | 1,500 yen | 2,700 yen |
Student | 13・18years old | [ A ] | 2,430 yen |
Child | Younger than 13 years old | 500 yen | 900 yen |
⇒If you are a student, please bring your student card.
observation dest 展望デッキ
planetarium プラネタリウム
attraction アトラクション
discount 割引
combo セット
cost (費用が)かかる
At the Sakuraso Tower, the students will
ア. have a special lunch in the planetarium restaurant.
イ. see the beautiful mountains if the weather is nice.
ウ. get a prize if they go up to the observation deck.
エ. watch a star show for ninety minutes in the theater.
本文②の内容と合うように、Admission Ticket Price Listの空欄」[A]にあてはまるものを、次のア~エの中から一つ選び、記号を書きなさい。
ア. 1,350 yen
イ. 1,500 yen
ウ. 1,650 yen
エ. 1,800 yen
③<Yui,shares her idea.>
Emma: Yui, how about you?
YUI: I would like to go to Keyaki Zoo or the Keyaki University Science Museum, because I like animals and plants. I am especially interested in the science museum. It’s on *campus, and ( about / to / there / takes / get / it / ten minutes ) by bus from Keyaki West Park. The museum shows the history of *agriculture and traditional Japanese food. And there is a restaurant which *serves the traditional food.
Ken : Sounds good. I want to try the traditional
Emma: I am interested in the traditional buildings on campus, too. We can go into them on a *guided campus tour.
YUI: That’s great! Do we need to buy tickets for the tour?
Emma: If you want to join it, yes. Just walking around the campus is free.
Ken : Then, what about Keyaki Zoo? I went there when I was younger. It is so large that we can spend all day there.
Yui: The admission ticket is 600 yen, if you buy it online. However, the zoo is far from the park.
campus(大学の) キャンパス、敷地
agriculture 農業
serve ~を出す
guided ガイド付きの
( )内のすべての語句を、本文の流れに合うように、正しい順序に並べかえて書きなさい。
ア. Yui went to Keyaki Zoo and spent all day there.
イ. Students have to buy tickets to walk around the campus.
ウ. Emma is interested in the large animals at Keyaki Zoo.
エ. Students need tickets if they join a guided campus tour.
④<Ken asks Emma to share her idea.>
Ken: Emma, which place do you want to go to?
Emma: I like traditional Japanese *crafts, so I want to go to the Shirakobato Craft Center. It has a lot of traditional crafts such as*Hina dolls. You can join a *craft making workshop and make your own *folding fan with traditional Japanese paper. The workshop starts at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. It
takes about two hous.
Yui : How much does it cost for the workshop?
Emma: It costs about 1,000 yen, *including the materials. It’s not cheap, but this experience will be a good memory.
Ken : The fan can be a gift for my family.
Emma: 「B」My mother will be happy to have one.
YUI : That’s nice. Is it near Keyaki West Park?
Emma: No, we have to take a bus.
Ken: Now, we have shared our ideas. Let’s decide where to go on our field trip.
craft 工芸
Hina dolls ひな人形
craft making workshop 工芸教室
folding fan 扇子
including the materials 材料を含めて
ア. It’s not true
イ. I’m coming.
ウ. You can’t believe it.
エ. I think so, too.
次は、field tripの後のEmmaとYuiの会話です。自然な会話になるように、( )に適切な3語以上の英語を書きなさい。
Emma: Are you ready for the presentation? I’ve started making videos on the computer.
Yui: I’ve started writing the speech for the presentation. I need more pictures to make our presentation better.
Emma: Oh, I remember Ken took a lot during the trip.
Yui Thank you. I will ask ( ) his pictures to us.
to take pictures and take notes about something you did を参照。
If it’s sunny,we will see the beautiful momountainsを参照。
We can go into them on a guided campus tourを参照。
次は、あなたが通う学校の英語の授業で、ALTのMr. Jonesが行ったスピーチです。これを読んで、間1~問3に答えなさい。*印のついている語句には、本文のあとに(注)があります。
Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about my hobby. I like to watch movies. When I watch a movie, I can relax and enjoy the story. Last week, I watched a movie *based on a man’s life. It was about the professional basketball player, Michael Carter. His team won *championships three times. He also joined the Olympics on a national team and got a gold *medal. His life *seemed to be going well, until one day everything changed. During a game, he broke his leg. A doctor said to him, “You should stop playing basketball because your leg can’t *handle it.” He was so *disappointed because he could not continue playing basketball. But he never gave up his work related to basketball. A few years later, he became a *coach and made his team stronger. I thought that it would be difficult for an *ordinary person to *overcome this situation, but Carter did.
I learned about this story through the movie, but there is an original book which this movie is based on. I finished reading the book yesterday and enjoyed it, too. Now, I have a question for you. If you want to enjoy a story, which do you like better, reading the book or watching the movie?
based on ~~をもとにしている
champion ship 選手権
medal メダル
seem to~~にみえる
handle ~~に対応する
disappointed がっかりした
relate to~~と関連がある
coach コーチ
Though he was in a ( ) situation, Michael Carter did not give up his work related to basketball.
イ. Carterは、けがをした後、選手としてオリンピックに出場した。
エ. Carterは、けがをしたが,選手としての競技生活を引退しなかった。
下線部について、あなたは本と映画のどちらで物語を楽しむのが好きかについて英語の授業でスピーチをします。〔条件]に従い。[ A ]に3文以上の英文を書いて、スピーチ原稿を完成させなさい。
Hi, everyone. Today, I’m going to tell you about my favorite way to enjoy stories.
[ A ] Thank you
①1文目は、あなたは本と映画のどちらで物語を楽しむのが好きか、I likeに続けて書きなさい。
② 2文目以降は、その理由が伝わるように、2文以上で書きなさい。
I thought that it would be difficult for an ordinary person to overcome this situation,but Carter didを参照。