[問1]No.1~No.3の順に、それぞれ対話を1回放送します。 No.1~No.3の対話の内容に最も合う絵を、A~Dの中から1つずつ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
No.1 母親:When is the sports day of your school this year?
男の子:It’s October twelfth.
No.2 女の子:Can you give me that book?
男の子:Yes. Where is it?
女の子:It’s on the table.
No.3 女の子:Look at this picture. The two dogs are very cute.
男の子:Yes. I think so, too. Who is the woman?
女の子:She is MIki, my friend.
男の子:Oh, I see. She has a nice bag.
Hello, everyone. My name is Tanaka Yoshiko. I’ve been teaching English at this school for five years. I’ve lived in Wakayama City for ten years. I like playing the guitar. I play it almost every day. I also like traveling overseas. I’ve been to Australia three times. I want to tell you about cultures and food in foreign countries. Let’s enjoy English class together.
Hello. This is Kevin. I’ll arrive in Japan on August third and stay in Japan for two weeks. I’m interested in libraries in Japan. I want to visit some of them. I also want to see Japanese movies with you. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
No.1 英語の授業を担当する田中(Tanaka)先生が、授業の最初に英語で自己紹介をします。自己紹介の内容に合うものはどれですか。
A. Ms.Tanaka has been teaching English at the school for ten years.
B. Ms.Tanaka doesn’t live in Wakayama City.
C. Ms.Tanaka plays the guitar almost every day.
D. Ms.Tanaka hasn’t traveled overseas.
No.2 日本を訪れる予定の友人ケビンに、メモの項目についてたずねたところ、ケビンは留守番電話に回答をメッセージとして残していました。留守番電話の英語のメッセージを聞いた後、ケビンにもう一度たずねることとして最も適切なものはどれですか。
A. When will you come to Japan?
B. How long will you stay in Japan?
C. Where do you want to go in Japan?
D. What do you want to eat in Japan?
Today, I’ll talk about my dream. I love judo. I’ve been doing judo for nine years. I started it with my brother when I was five. When I was an elementary school student, I joined a judo school. Mr.Sato was my judo teacher. He was strong and very kind. I often talked with him after practicing. I liked him.
Now, I’m a member of the judo club. I practice judo hard every day. Last year, I joined a judo tournament in our city. On that day, I met Ben for the first time. He was a boy from India. He was very strong. After the tournament, I talked to him. We talked about many things like sports and music. We become good friends.
One day, he told me about his country. He told me that there weren’t many judo teachers in India. I was surprised to hear that.
I want many people to enjoy judo. We have many judo teachers in Japan, but there are some countries which need more judo teachers. I want to go to foreign countries to teach judo in the future.
Question No.1: How long has Kaori been doing judo?
Question No.2: Who was Mr.Sato?
Question No.3: When did Kaori meet Ben for the first time?
Question No.4: Why was Kaori surprised?
Question No.5: What is Kaori’s dream?
No.1 She has been doing judo □.
A. for one year
B. for five years
C. for nine years
D. for fourteen years
No.2 He was □.
A. a junior high school teacher
B. a student in the judo school
C. Kaori’s judo teacher
D. Kaori’s brother
No.3 She met him □.
A. when she joined a judo tournament
B. when she talked with her judo teacher
C. when she went to India
D. when she practiced judo in her school
No.4 She was surprised because she heard □ in India.
A. there were many music teachers
B. there were many judo teachers
C. there weren’t many music teachers
D. there weren’t many judo teachers
No.5 She wants □.
A. to teach music in elementary schools
B. to teach judo in foreign countries
C. to go to India to meet Mr.Sato
D. to go to judo schools in Japan
No.1 C No.2 B No.3 A
No.1 C No.2 D
No.1 C No.2 C No.3 A No.4 D No.5 B
No.1 男の子がOctober twelfthと言っている。
No.2 女の子がIt’s on the table.と言っている。
No.3 友達のミキは2頭の犬と写真に写っていて、彼女はバッグを持っている。
No.1 田中先生はI like playing the guitar. I play it almost every day.と言っている。
No.2 ケビンは、日本への到着日、日本での滞在日数、行きたい場所については、それぞれ、8月3日、2週間、図書館と回答している。彼にもう一度たずねたいことは、日本で食べたいもので、DのWhat do you want to eat in Japan?となる。
No.1 質問は、「香織はどのくらいの期間、柔道をやっていますか」。最初の方の、I’ve been doing judo for nine years.を聞き取る。
No.2 質問は、「サトウさんとはだれですか」。Mr.Sato was my judo teacher.を聞き取る。
No.3 質問は、「いつ、香織はベンに初めて会いましたか」。Last year, ~ in our city. On that day, I met Ben for the first time.を聞き取る。
No.4 質問は、「なぜ香織は驚いたのですか。」後半のHe told me that there weren’t many judo teachers in India. I was surprised to hear that.を聞き取る。
No.5 質問は、「香織の夢は何ですか」。香織は最後に、I want to go to foreign countries to teach judo in the future.と言っている。
[問1]本文の内容に合うように、次の( )にあてはまる最も適切なものを、ア〜エの中から1つずつ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
Yui( ).
ア sold the products in her school
イ made juice at the station
ウ wanted to teach agriculture at school
エ recorded the sales at the station
[問2]文中の下線部the pie chartsについて、本文の内容に合うように、円グラフのA~Dにあてはまる最も適切なものを、次のア〜エの中から1つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
ア vegetables
イ flowers
ウ fruits
エ processed products
ア Yui wants to make better products.
イ Yui wants to show her pie charts.
ウ Yui wants to record the sales.
エ Yui wants to think about more products.
ア Yui could buy some fruit on Sunday.
イ Yui wants people to enjoy the products.
ウ Tom was sad to hear Yui’s speech.
エ Tom has a question about fruits.
A:ア B:エ C:ウ D:イ
(1)(例)make posters (イ)イ
第二段落第2,3文(Every Friday, ~ , I recorded the sales there.)から、エが適切。
A:第三段落第3文(In those month, we sold vegetables the most.)から、vegetablesが適切。
B:第三段落第4文(In June, the percentage of processed products was higher than fruit and flowers.)から、processed productsが適切。
C:第三段落第6文(Compared to June, the percentage of fruits became higher)から、fruitsが適切。
D:同じく第6文の後半(the percentage of flowers was the same)から、flowersが適切。
(1)由衣の「もっと多くの人に(駅に買いに)来てもらいたい」に対し、トムが「それについて、どんなことができますか」と聞いている。make poster「ポスターを作る」pass out fliers「チラシを配る」などが考えられる。
イ:「由衣は人々に品物を美味しく食べてもらいたい」最初の由衣の発言(People look happy when they buy our products. So I become happy.)に一致。
ウ:「トムは由衣のスピーチを聞いて悲しかった」トムの最初の発言(That was a wonderful speech.)に不一致。
[問1]対話の流れに合うように、文中の〔 〕にふさわしい英語を書きなさい。ただし、語数は3語以上とし、符号(.,?!など)は語数に含まないものとする。
ア What did you talk about?
イ What did you do to help the students?
ウ What did you hear about the students?
エ What did you learn about the five countries?
ア to speak perfect English
イ to join the wonderful event
ウ to know each country has its own culture
エ to learn everything about Australian students
ア Masato went to Australia to talk about climate change.
イ Masato talked with students from ten countries in the event
ウ Masato did some research on global warming after the event
エ Masato learned about the five countries before the event he joined
(例)How was it(?)
A:ア B:ウ
正人がIt was exciting.と感想を述べているので、How was it?「いかがでしたか」などが適切。
A:正人がThe topic was climate change.「話題は気候変動でした」と答えているので、ア「何について話し合ったのですか」が適切。
B:正人がIt was my mistake. Japanese culture and Australian culture aren’t the same.と言った後の発言なので、ウのto know each country has its own cultureを入れ、「外国の学生と話し合う時は、それぞれの国には独自の文化があると知っておくことが大切だ」とするのが適切。
soは直前の正人の言葉(there are important things which we can learn from our mistakes)を指している。
ア:「正人は気候変動について話すためにオーストラリアに行った」正人の5番目の発言(I talked ~ on the Internet)に不一致。
イ:「正人はイベントで10か国の学生たちと話した」正人の2番目の発言(Ten foreign students from five countries ~)に不一致。
Hello, I’ll talk about my favorite please, today.
Thank you.
My favorite place is a library in my city. I like the library because it has a lot of interesting books. My friends and I often go there to borrow books.
ア I will join the school festival and buy a picture.
イ I will take my picture and bring it to you.
ウ I will tell my friends how to collect pictures at the school festival.
エ I will help my friends send pictures to Tokyo.
ア I’m grad to receive your picture at the school festival.
イ I’m grad to start collecting 5,000 pictures.
ウ I’m glad to suggest the project to your team.
エ I’m glad to support your project by sending my picture.
[問3]下線部ⓑ,ⓒについて、それぞれ本文の流れに合うように( )の中の語句を並べかえ、英文を完成させなさい。
(1)What did Kazuki decide to become to make a wonderful memory?
(2)When was the school festival?
ア Kazuki and the other members decided to collect 5,000 pictures.
イ Kazuki and the other members finished making the big photomosaic.
ウ Kazuki created a website to introduce the project.
エ Kazuki read a message from a woman living in Tokyo.
A:イ B:エ
ⓑ(I talked with Shiho)about a way to collect more pictures(.)
ⓒ(I also)received some messages written by local people(and graduates.)
(1)(例)He decided to become a staff member (for the school festival).
(2)(例)It was in September.
Itは仮主語でto collect以下を指している。その部分を日本語で表す。
ⓒwritten by local people (and graduates)がsome messagesを後ろから修飾する。
スピーチの最後の文を参照。think about what we can do「私たちが何ができるかを考える」
家庭教師のやる気アシストは高校受験に強い家庭教師!昨年度の合格率は、関西エリア全体で97.3%という結果を残すことが出来ました!その 高い合格率の秘訣は、過去問を分析した対策や指導経験豊富な先生の指導力に加え、1対1の指導でお子さん一人ひとりの状況に合わせた、お子さんだけのカリキュラムで勉強が進められるから!