Beth:Shin, this is a banknote of Australia. It’s made of special plastic.
Shin:Special plastic?
Beth:Yes. It’s (A)( strong ) than paper, so people can use it for a long time.
Shin:That’s great.
Beth:I think that (B)( people / the banknotes / in / use )Japan are also special.
Shin:What do you (C)?
Beth:They have wonderful pictures. For example, the picture of Mt. Fuji on the banknote is so beautiful.
Shin:Wow, it’s interesting to learn about the banknotes (D) in each country.
(1)下線部(A)の( )の中の語を,適切な形にして,英語1語で書きなさい。
(2)下線部(B)の( )中の語句を,本文の内容に合うように並べかえて書きなさい。
(C)1.support 2.mean 3.cover 4.produce
(D)1.use 2.uses 3.using 4.used
(1) 【正答 stronger】
(2) 【正答 the banknotes people use in】
(3) 【正答 (C) 2 (D) 4】
次は,小学校で職場体験をした留学生のEmilyと,受け入れ先の小学校の担当者である岡先生(Mr.Oka)との対話 の一部である。2人は,その日の体験について話をしてい る。これを読んで,下の(1)~(3)に答えなさい。
Mr. Oka:Emily, you worked very hard today.
Emily:Thank you. I’m tired because I have (A)( be ) busy since this morning.
Mr. Oka:In the English class, you found (B)( couldn’t / who / a boy / speak )English well and you helped him.
Emily:Yes, it was hard (C)him to_talk in English. But he began to enjoy tal_king in English after I helped him. I was glad because he looked happy.
Mr. Oka:Good.Did you have a good time today?
Emily:Yes! I think I did my (D)!
(1) 下線部(A)の( )の中の組を,適切な形にして,英語1語で書きなさい。
(2)下線部(B)の( )の中の語句を,本文の内容に合うように並べかえて書きなさい。
(C)1.in 2.by 3.under 4.for
(D)1.best 2.problem 3.health 4.nothing
(1) 【正答 been】
(2) 【正答 a boy who couldn’t speak】
(3) 【正答 (C) 4 (D) 1】
次は,Naokoと留学生のSi叫yとの対話の一部である。2 人は,古い町並みを散策しながら話をしている。これを読んで,下の(1)~(3)に答えなさい。
Naoko:Sindy, look at that. It’s the (A)( old )house in this city.
Sindy:Ican feel its history. Do you know (B)( built / it / when / was )?
Naoko:About two hundred years ago.
Sindy:Wow! Is there anyone (C) in the house now?
Naoko:No, but Mr. Yamada once lived there.
Sindy:Who is Mr. Yamada?
Naoko:He was born in this city, and later, he was known (D) a great doctor. He saved many people.
(1)下線部(A)の( )の中の語を,適切な形にして,英語1語で書きなさい。
(2)下線部(B)の( )の中の語句を,本文の内容に合うように並べかえて書きなさい。
(C)1.live 2.lives 3.living 4.to live
(D)1.as 2.at 3.from 4.on
(1) 【正答 oldest】
(2) 【正答 when it was built】
(3) 【正答 (C) 3 (D) 1】
Paul:Thank you for (A)( play ) the guitar for me, Tetsu. That was great. How (B)(you / long / practiced / have ) it?
Tetsu:For ten years. My mother is a guitar teacher.
Paul:You’re lucky! I want to play the guitar well like you. Could you teach me (C) to play it?
Tetsu:Sure. Let’s practice together! You can come to my house this Saturday. I’ll also (D)my mother to join us.
Paul:That’s nice! Thank you.
(1)下線部(A)の( )の中の緬を,適切な形にして,英語 1語で書きなさい。
(2)下線部(B)の( )の中の語句を,本文の内容に合うように並べかえて書きなさい。
(C)1.what 2.able 3.want 4.how
(D)1.listen 2.ask 3.have 4.speak
(1) 【正答 playing】
(2) 【正答 long have you practiced】
(3) 【正答 (C) 4 (D) 2】
Yuiは,アメリカから来た留学生のTomと,いちご狩り(strawberry picking)についての外国人向けの【広告チラシ】を見ながら話している。次は,そのときのYuiとTomの対話の一部である。英文と【広告チラシ】を読んで,下の(1)~(4)に答えなさい。
Yui:Hi, Tom. You wanted to know some places to visit with your family from America, right? I found a good place.
Tom:Really? Where is it? Tell me about it.
Yui:Sure. Look at this. This is about strawberry picking at a farm in this city.
Tom:Interesting! I’m sure we all will enjoy it very much. But is it expensive?
Yui:I don’t think so. (A) in your family?
Tom:There are four people, my father, my mother, my sister, and me.
Yui:How old is your sister? The fee is (B)( d ) between an adult and a child.
Tom:Oh, I see. She’s nine years old, so she can enjoy it at the child’s fee. Well, the fee is also (B)( d )depending on the month, right?
Yui:Yes, it is. When will they come?
Tom: They will arrive on March 29 and stay here for a week.
Yui:I see. Then you should wait for a few days for a better fee.
Tom:(c)That’s right. I’ll do that.
Yui:I hope you can enjoy the day!
(注) farm 農園 fee 料金 adult 大人 at the child’s fee 子ども料金で depending on ~によって
(2)【広告チラシ】の内容に合うように,下線部(B)に共通して入る適切な英語l語を書きなさい。ただし,( )内に与えられた文字で書き始めなさい。
1.Tom’s family shouldvisit the farm in April.
2.Tom’s family should leave Japan on March 29.
3.Tom’s family should wait for Tom until March 29.
4.Tom’s family should arrive in America before April.
1.You cannot eat strawberries while you are picking them.
2.You can try strawberry picking for eight hours every day.
3.You can enjoy making jam by using strawberry.
4.If you have one thousand yen, you can buy three packs of strawberries.
5.The farm tells people to visit it after they make a reservation.
6.If you call the farm, you can get a pack of strawberries.
(注)strawberry:strawberr いちご
pick~ ~を摘む
yen 円(通貨の単位)
pack(s) パック
jam ジャム
make a reservation 予約する
ticket チケット
(1) 【正答 How many people are there】
(2) 【正答 different】
(3) 【正答 1】
(4) 【正答 3, 5】
中学生のMisatoは,Misatoの家にホームステイをしている留学生のNancyとともに,祖母のYasukoの家を訪れた。 次の英文は,そのときのことについて書かれたものである。 この英文を読んで,あとの(1)~(3)に答えなさい。
One day in. summer, Misato visited her andmother’s of house with Nancy. Misato said, “Speaking of summer, I like wearing a yukata. 【ア】”Do you know about yukatas? “Nancy said, “Yes. Yukatas are traditional Japanese summer clothes, right? I’ve worn a kimono before, but I’ve never worn a yukata. I want to wear a yukata some day.” Misato said, “Now I have a good idea!”
Then Misato’s grandmother, Yasuko, brought tea for them. Misato said to her, “Nancy wants to wear a yukata. Can you help her? I’ll wear a yukata,too. And we will enjoy fireworks together. 【イ】” Yasuko said, “That’s a good idea. Is this your frrst time to wear a yukata,Nancy?” Nancy said, “Yes. I’ve wanted to wear a yukata for a long time.”
After they had tea, Yasuko showed them some yukatas. There were various colors and patterns, so Nancy was surprised. She said, “I like the red flowers on this yukata. It’s so cute. 【ウ】” Misato said, “Why don’t you wear it? It’s my yukata now, but my mother also wore it when she was young. My grandmother made it.” Nancy said, “Wow! You’ve kept it for many years.”
Yasuko helped Nancy when she wore the yukata. Nancy looked happy. Yasuko said, “I’m glad you wear this yukata. I think a yukata is more than just clothes, because people can pass it to the next generation. When they wear it, they can feel the tradition.” Nancy said, “I agree. I think I can understand it.【エ】I’m glad I had a chance like this.” Yasuko and Misato smiled.
That evening, they all wore yukatas and enjoyed small fireworks in the garden. Yasuko said, “I hope this will be a good memory for you.” Nancy said, “I learned a lot from you today. It’s nice to give something to the next generation. I want to look for it in my country.” Misato and Nancy looked at Yasuko and they all smiled. Yasuko looked happy.
(注) speaking of ~ ~と言えば
some day いつか
fireworks 花火
various 様々な
patterns 模様
more than~ ~を超えた
pass(ed) ~ to… ~を…に伝える
generation 世代
tradition 伝統
(1)次の英文が入る最も適切な箇所を,本文中の【ア】~【エ】から選び, 記号で答えなさい。
I think it will be a good experience for her.
(2)次の(a), (b)の質問に対する答えとして,本文の内容に合う最も適切なものをそれぞれ 1~4から選び,記号で答えなさい
(a)How did Nancy feel when Yasuko showed her some yukatas?
(b) Why did Yasuko think a yukata was not just clothes?
(b) Why did Yasuko think a yukata was not just clothes?
(3)次の英文は,ホームステイを終えて帰国したNancyが,Misatoにあてて書いた手紙の一部である。本文の内容に合うように,次の下線部①~③に入る適切な英語を,1 語ずつ書きなさい。 ただし,( )内に与えられた文字で書き始めなさい。
I was happy to have a ①( ) to wear a yukata. It was my first time! You and your mother wore the ②( ) yukata before, right? I think it’s nice to pass something to the next generation.
When I got home, my mother cooked tomato soup for me. It was passed to her from my grandmother! If I have a child in the ③( ), I’ll cook the soup for my child like my mother.
(1) 【正答 イ】
(2) 【正答 (a) 3 (b) 2】
(3) 【正答 ①chance ② same ③future】
Natsumiのクラスでは, 英語の授業で, クラスメートに勧めたい場所について英語で発表することになった。次は,Natsumiが発表のために作った日本語の【メモ】と,【メモ】 にもとづいて書いた英語の【原稿】である。 これらを読んで,下の(1), (2)に答えなさい。
勧めたい場所 … 市立美術館
Hello, everyone. I recommend the city art museum.
I like its Japanese garden. It’s (1)among visitors. You can see it through the (B) when you sit on a sofa near the museum shop. It’s very beautiful.
You can also enjoy a small concert in the afternoon. It’s held every (C). You’ll have a good time by listening to music.
I want you to enjoy the pictures, the garden, and music there some day. (D)If you have questions, please ask me. Thank you.
(注) recommend~ ~を勧める visitors 来館者 some day いつか
(1)【メモ】の内容に合うように,【原稿】の下線部(A)~(C)に 入る適切な英語を, 1語ずつ書きなさい。
(2)下線部(D)を受けて, あなたが英語で質問をするとしたら,どのような質問をするか。あなたの考える質問を,6語以上の英語で書きなさい。
(1) 【正答 (A) popular (B) window (C) weekend】
(2) 【正答 (例)Can we walk in the garden?】