A 放送される英文と問いを聞いて,問いに対する答えとして適切な絵を選ぶ問題
No1 Welcome to Yamato Department Store. New shops have opened on the fourth floor in our department store. There is a new ice cream shop next to the book store. Also, a new hamburger shop has opened between the flower shop and the coffee shop.
Question: Which map shows the fourth floor of the department store?
No.2 Thank you very much for taking Yairo Bus from Kochi to Hiroshima today. We are very sorry to tell you that the plan of this bus has been changed. Because of an accident, the bus has to stop here for an hour, from now to 11:00 a.m. The new arriving time is going to be 2:35 p.m.
Question: Which one shows this information?
B 放送される対話を聞いて,適切な英文を選ぶ問題
A : Welcome to our lunch party, Hiroshi.
B: Thank you, Ms. White. Wow, all of the food looks delicious.
A: I’m glad to hear that. Would you like something to drink?
A: Hello, this is Emily. May I speak to
Takuya, please?
B : Hi, Emily. I’m sorry. Takuya is out now.
A : Could you tell him to call me back? I want to ask him about our school trip.
ア Yes,I’d like some juice.
イ Yes, I can cook lunch.
ウ Yes, I will give you a drink.
エ Yes, I want to eat some cake.
ア Thank you for answering my question.
イ No problem. I’ll call him again.
ウ Of course. I’ll call him about my trip.
エ Sure. I’ll give him the message.
C 放送される対話を聞いて,問いに対する答えとして適切な英文を選ぶ問題
A : Kumi, what are you reading?
B : Hi, Bob. It’s a letter from a driving school.
A : In Japan, can you drive a car when you are seventeen?
B: No, we can’t. We have to be eighteen. How about in Australia?
A : In my town, we can drive when we are seventeen.
B : Oh, really? Can you go to your school by car?
A: Yes. My town is large and there are not many buses and trains. So a lot of students use their cars to go to school. After my birthday next year, I will go to driving school.
A : Good morning, Ms. Brown. Can I ask you about the English homework now?
B : Hi, Masato. I have to see the other English teachers this morning. How about after school? I have some time before I teach the tennis club.
A: Sorry, I can’t. I need to see my doctor after school.
B : I see. How about tomorrow?
A : Tomorrow I have a club activity after school. May I see you after lunch tomorrow?
B : OK. See you then.
No.1 Which is true about Bob?
ア. He is reading a letter from a driving school.
イ. He can drive in his town in Australia when he is seventeen.
ウ. He goes to a driving school now in Australia.
エ. He has to drive because there are many buses and trains in his town.
No.2 When will Masato meet Ms. Brown?
ア. After Ms. Brown meets the other teachers this morning.
イ. Before Masato goes to the hospital today.
ウ. After Masato finishes his lunch tomorrow.
エ. Before Ms. Brown teaches the tennis club tomorrow.
D 放送される英文を聞いて,メモを完成させる問題
Welcome to Canada and to Green Language School. We are excited to study English with you for the next three weeks. Please look at the card we gave you. From tomorrow, you will need it to come into the school building. You can also use this card to take city buses from Monday to Friday. You won’t need money for those buses. Our school opens at 7:50 a.m. and the first class starts at 8:30 a.m. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, we have three English classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. On Wednesdays and Fridays, we have three classes in the morning. After lunch, we learn the history of Canada. For example, we are going to visit some old buildings. One more important thing. During the first class every Monday, you will take an English test. You can get your test result back the next day. Your teacher will give it to you before the first class on Tuesdays. If you have any questions, please ask us.
ア 市バスの料金が平日無料になる
イ 市バスの料金が週末無料になる
ウ 市バスの料金が平日半額になる
エ 市バスの料金が週末半額になる
ア 午前7時15分
イ 午前7時50分
ウ 午前8時15分
エ 午前8時30分
ア 3時間授業
イ テスト勉強
ウ 農業体験
エ 歴史学習
ア 試験の直後
イ 試験の翌週
ウ 月曜日の放課後
エ 火曜日の朝
E 放送される英文を聞いて,英文1文で答える問題
I went to Hokkaido to ski for one week during this winter vacation. If you can travel in Japan for one week, where do you want to go and why?
A 1 【正答 ウ】
A 2 【正答 ア】
B 1 【正答 ア】
B 2 【正答 イ】
C 1 【正答 イ】
C 2 【正答 ウ】
D 1 【正答 ア】
D 2 【正答 イ】
D 3 【正答 エ】
D 4 【正答 エ】
E 【正答例 I want to go to Okinawa to enjoy swimming and learn about unique nature there.】
A 1 アイスクリーム屋は本屋の隣、ハンバーガー屋は花屋とコーヒー屋の間。
A 2 The new arriving time is going to be 2:35 p.m.を聞き取る。
B 1 「飲み物はいかがですか」と薦められている。
B 2 「私に電話するように彼に伝えてくださいませんか」への返答を選ぶ。
C 1 In my town, we can drive when we are seventeen.を聞き取る。
C 2 May I see you after lunch tomorrow?に対して先生がOK.と言っている。
D 1 You can also use this card to take city buses from Monday to Friday. を聞き取る。
D 2 Our school opens at 7:50 a.m.を聞き取る。
D 3 After lunch, we learn the history of Canada.を聞き取る。
D 4 You can get your test result back the next day.を聞き取る。
次の 1~3の問いに答えなさい。
1 次の英文は、Yukiがself-driving cars(自動運転車)について書いたものです。文中の□に入る最も適切なものを,下のア~エから一つ選び,その記号を書け。
I read a news article about self-driving cars yesterday. These days, we often hear about them. Car companies around the world are now working hard to make cars that can drive by themselves. How will self-driving cars be helpful in our lives? First, we will not have many car accidents. Second, we will be able to spend our time more freely in our cars because we will not have to drive. Third, self-driving cars will not waste a lot of energy, and so they will be more friendly to the environment. However, □. When an accident happens, who will be responsible? The driver? The car company? Also, bus drivers, taxi drivers, and truck drivers may lose their jobs if self-driving cars become common. Self-driving cars may help us in the future, but we need to think about their good points and bad points.
(注)freely自由に responsible責任のある
ア. self-driving cars are supported by many people
イ. self-driving cars have some problems
ウ. self-driving cars can save people’s lives
エ. self-driving cars will be necessary in the future
2 次の英文は,海外のグルメサイトに載っているMakoto Sushi Restaurantに対する評価(review)です。海外にあるこのレストランの店主がそれを見ながら、より多くの人に満足してもらえる店にするにはどうすればよいか検討しています。それぞれの評価を読み、あとの(1)・(2)の問いの答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれのア~エから一つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
(1) What information can you get from these reviews?
ア. The chefs serve good sushi.
イ. You can learn how to make sushi from the chefs.
ウ. You always have to wait for a long time.
エ. Everyone thinks it is the best restaurant in the city.
(2) What are the problems of this restaurant?
ア. The number of chefs and the name of the restaurant.
イ. The variety of food and the taste of the food.
ウ. The prices of the food and the waiting time.
エ. The place of the restaurant and the experience of the chefs.
3 次のチラシ(leaflet)は、地域のイベントについて,英語で書かれたものです。チラシの内容から考えて,(1)・(2)の問いの答えとして最も適切なものを,それぞれのア〜工から一つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。ただし,チラシ中の【A】には,チラシのタイトルが書かれているものとします。
(1) What is the title of this leaflet?
ア. Let’s Watch Movies at City Hall
イ. International Movie Festival
ウ. Breakfast and Movies in the Morning
エ. Enjoy Japanese Movies and Local Music
(2) Which is not true about this leaflet?
ア. You don’t have to bring food and drink to the event.
イ. You can get more information on the Internet.
ウ. It takes five minutes to walk from Hikari Station to Hikari Park.
エ. You can watch a funny movie on May 13.
1 【正答 イ】
2(1) 【正答 ア】
2(2) 【正答 ウ】
3(1) 【正答 イ】
3(2) 【正答 エ】
1 Howeverに注目すればよい。
2(1) 3つとも「おいしい」という評価なので、アが適切。
2(2) the food prices are a little high. sometimes you have to wait.などから、ウが適切。
3(1) このイベントはインド、アメリカなど世界の映画を集めて紹介するお祭り。
3(2) very scaryにエが不一致。
Haruki is a high school student. He has a friend who is also a high school student in America. His name is David. They have been friends for six months. They usually communicate with each other by using online video chat.
One day, Haruki said to his grandfather, ‘ sometimes get nervous when I talk with David. i make many English mistakes. I’m afraid he doesn’t understand my English well.” His grandfather said. “Don’t worry. If you keep practicing English, you will get better at it.”
Later that day, Haruki and David talked online. Haruki said, “David, my school will have a schoo festival next month. I am a member of the dance team. We want to dance at the festival, but we have a problem.” “What is it?” said David. Haruki said, “Our team needs a song for our performance. We have listened to many songs, but they weren’t good.” David answered that he was a member of a hand. He said he would be glad to make a song for Haruki and his dance team. He also said, “We will play the song online when you dance at the festival.” Haruki said, “That’s great!”
One week later, David sent the song to Haruki by mail. Haruki listened to the song with his ammates. Everyone loved it and they started practicing their dance.
The night before the festival, Haruki’s grandfather asked, “How do you feel about Fomorrow?” Haruki told him that he was worried about it. His grandfather said, “You have practiced a lot. I’m sure you will have fun.” Haruki decided to do his best.
The festival day came. Haruki prepared a projector and a computer, and got on the stage with his dance team. Haruki said to the audience, Please look at the screen. This is David and his band. They will play music for us from America! Please enjoy our performance.” The Japanese students and American students started the performance together. The audience thought it was amazing. After the performance, everyone clapped for a long time. Haruki was so happy.
The next day, Haruki talked with David. Haruki said, “Thank you for your help.” David told him that he enjoyed making and playing the song. He also said he always enjoyed his conversations with Haruki. Haruki was surprised and said, “Really? I thought it was difficult for you to understand my English.” David smiled and said, “You sometimes make small English mistakes, but I can always understand you. I think you are good at speaking English.” Haruki felt relieved.
Haruki wrote a message to himself in a notebook. “One mistake is not the end. Mistakes happen when you try. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Let’s keep trying.”
(注) onlineオンラインの、オンラインで chat おしゃべり mistake(s) 間違い teammate(s)チームメート projector プロジェクター clap拍手する relieved 安心した
問 本文の内容から考えて,次の1~4の問いの答えとして最も適切なものを、それぞれ下のア〜エから一つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
1. What did Haruki’s grandfather say about Haruki’s English?
ア. Haruki’s grandfather said that Haruki was good at speaking English.
イ. Haruki’s grandfather said that he couldn’t understand Haruki’s English.
ウ. Haruki’s grandfather said that Haruki made too many English mistakes.
エ. Haruki’s grandfather said that Haruki could improve his English by practicing.
2.What happened on the day of the school festival?
ア. The audience prepared a projector and a computer.
イ. The audience saw Haruki on the screen.
ウ. Haruki introduced David and his band to the audience.
エ. Haruki received the song from David by e-mail.
3.Which is true about David?
ア. He is a member of the dance team.
イ. He went to Haruki’s school and played music on the stage.
ウ. He gets nervous when he talks with Haruki.
エ. He enjoyed helping Haruki.
4.What does Haruki believe now after his experience?
ア. “It is more interesting to study English at school than at home.”
イ. “It is more important to keep trying than to worry.”
ウ. “Joining a band with friends is exciting.”
エ.”Using online video chat after school is difficult.”
1 【正答 エ】
2 【正答 ウ】
3 【正答 エ】
4 【正答 イ】
1 第二段落最後の文を参照。
2 第六段落第3~5文を参照。
3 第七段落第3文を参照。
4 最終段落第2文を参照。
次の 1~3の問いに答えなさい。
1 次の( 1)・( 2)の対話文の〔 〕内の語を並べかえて,意味の通る英文を完成させよ。ただし,〔 〕内の語を全部使うこと。
Meg: Hey, Kenta. Can we go to the library together now?
Kenta: I’m still busy. I can’t go with you.
Meg : How [ been / have / playing / you / long ] that video game?
Kenta: For three hours.
Daniel: What are you doing?
Fred : I’m reading a Japanese novel. It [ by / written / writer / was / a famous ].
Daniel: Wow! Can you read Japanese?
Fred : Yes.
2 次の(1)・(2)の対話の内容から考えて,それぞれの【 】に当てはまる適切な英語1語を書け。ただし,【 】内に示した文字で書き始めること。
Cindy: I haven’t seen Ken since he left Japan. When will he come back from the U.K.?
Sachi: He will 【r 】 to Japan next month.
Cindy: I’m looking forward to seeing him.
Robert: I want to go hiking with my family this Sunday. How will the 【w 】 be this weekend?
Miwa : It’s going to rain.
Robert: Then, I have to give up going hiking.
3 ひのき中学校の生徒Junと留学生のBenは、新聞部員です。二人は、近隣にあるやよい中学校のアンケート結果について、SNS(ソーシャルネットワーキングサービス)でやり取りをしています。二人のやり取りを読んで,(1)・(2)の問いに答えなさい。
(1) やり取りの内容から考えて,【A】・【B】に当てはまる適切な英文1文を,それぞれ書きなさい。ただし、英文は疑問詞と主語,動詞を含んだ文にすること。
(2) 下線部の質問“Should junior high school studentsdo volunteer work?”について。あなたはどのように考えますか。あなたの考えを,理由を含めて25語以上の英文で答えなさい。英文は2文以上になってもかまいません。ただし、短縮形I’mやdon’tなど)は1語と考え,符号(ピリオドなど)は語数に含めません。
1(1) 【正答 long have you been playing】
1(2) 【正答 was written by a famous writer】
2(1) 【正答 return】
2(2) 【正答 weather】
3(1) 【正答例 A. Which volunteer work is the most popular? B. What questions can we ask them?】
3(2) 【正答例 I think they should. It is because they can do something to help people and make people happy. Also, they can make friends with people outside school.】