(1)①,②の英語の内容に合うものを,それぞれア~エから 1 つずつ選び,その記号を書け。なお,英語はそれぞれ1回ずつ流れる。
(1)では,①,②の英語が流れます。英語の内容に合うものを,それぞれア~工のうちから1つずつ選び,その記号 を書きなさい。なお,英語はそれぞれ1回ずつ流れます。それでは,始めます。
① This is used for keeping food cool.
② There is a cat under the chair, and there are two books on the table.
(2)では,①,②のそれぞれの場面での2人の会話が流れ ます。 それぞれの会話の最後の応答にあたる部分でチャイムが鳴ります。そのチャイムの部分に入る英語として最も適切なものを それぞれア~エのうちから1つずつ選び, その記号を書きなさい。なお, 会話はそれぞれ1回ずつ流 れます。それでは,始めます。
Mother : What are you doing, John? It’s eleven now.
John : I know. I’m watching a soccer game of my favorite team.
Mother: You have to go to school early tomorrow morning, right?
John :〈チャイム〉
Girl: Hi, Bob. Are you studying?
Bob : Yes, I’m writing a report for my history class.
Girl: How long have you been doing it?
① 〈夜,自宅での母親と息子の会話〉
ア Yes. I watched it one hour ago.
イ Yes. I don’t have to go to school tomorrow.
ウ Yes. I’ll go to bed now.
エ Yes. I’ll go to school in the afternoon tomorrow.
ア At five in the afternoon.
イ For one hour.
ウ Because I have a lot of things to do.
エ By studying history.
(3)会話の内容についての質問に対する答えとして最も適切なものを,後のア~エから1 つ選び,その記号を書け。
1 つ選び,その記号を書きなさい。 なお,会話と質問はそれぞれ2回ずつ行います。それでは,始めます。
Emma : Ken, how about going to see a movie during the spring vacation?
Ken : That’s a good idea! When can we go? Emma : Today is March 23. How about this Saturday?
Ken : Well, many people go to see a movie on weekends. So how about next Wednesday?
Emma : I’m going to visit my grandmothe with my family, so I don’t think I can go. How about the 31st?
Ken : Well, I’m going to have a baseball game on the 31st.
Emma : OK… Then I think this weekend is better.
Ken : I think so, too. Then let’s use your first idea.
質問 When are they going to see a movie?
ア On March 25.
イ On March 26.
ウ On March 29.
エ On March 31.
(4)では 翌日に実施される校外学習について,先生が生徒に説明している英語が流れます。 こ の英語の中で述べら れていないものを ア~力のうちから2つ選び, その記号
を書きなさい。 なお, 英語は2回流れます。 それでは, 始めます。
OK, everyone. Did you enjoy today’s classes? Now I’ll tell you about tomorrow’s field trip to Kyoto.
Tomorrow you’ll visit Kyoto to ask foreign visitors what they are enjoying in Kyoto.
Now, let’s check some other points for tomorrow. We’ll meet at Nara Station, not at school. Our meeting time is 8:30 in the morning. We’ll take a train to Kyoto. You can use the map I gave you yesterday when you walk around in Kyoto, so don’t forget to bring it.
It may be rainy tomorrow, so you should bring an umbrella. If we can’t go because of the bad weather, you’ll get an e-mail from the school at 7:00 tomorrow morning.
You can buy something to eat for lunch at the shops in Kyoto. Of course, you can bring lunch, too.
We’ll meet at Kyoto Station again at 3:00 in the afternoon, and then we’ll come back to Nara together.
I hope you’ll have a good time in Kyoto!
If you have any questions, come and see me after this.
See you tomorrow, everyone!
ア 校外学習で京都を訪ねる目的
イ 朝の集合時刻
ウ 京都への交通手段
エ 京都までの交通費
オ 荒天時の学校からの連絡方法
カ 午後の解散時刻
次の資料lは,せんと博物館(Sento Museum)の利用案内の一部である。 また, 資料2は,まほろば駅(Mahoroba Station)から,せんと博物館への行き方を【A】~【D】の4通り示したものである。 各問いに答えよ。
Museum Hours
The museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time.
The museum is closed from December 28 to January 1.
Special Exhibition
The “Kano Eitoku” Special Exhibition will be held from April 1 to October 31, 2023.
The restaurant is on the second floor, and it is open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Eating and drinking is allowed in the garden.
【A】Take a train from Mahoroba Station to Sento Station. [about 7 minutes]
Take bus number 1 in front of the East Exit of the station and get off at the “Sento Museum” bus stop. [about 9 minutes] Then, walk to the museum. [about 3 minutes]
【B】Take a train from Mahoroba Station to Sento Station. [about 7 minutes]
Use the East Exit of the station and walk to the museum. [about 27 minutes]
【C】Take bus number 2 in front of the East Exit of Mahoroba Station and get off at the “Sento Museum” bus stop. [about 42 minutes]
Then, walk to the museum. [about 3 minutes]
【D】Take a taxi in front of the West Exit of Mahoroba Station to the museum. [about 25 minutes]
(注) open (店などが)開いている
admission 入館
closing 閉館の
closed (店などが)閉まっている
exhibition 展示
allow 許す
exit 出口
(1)資料1, 2の内容と合っているものを,次のア~オから2つ選び,その記号を書け。
ア If you go to the museum on September 1, 2023, you can see the “Kano Eitoku” Special Exhibition.
イ There is no place to have lunch in the museum.
ウ You should use the East Exit of Mahoroba Station if you want to take a taxi to the museum at the station.
エ If you choose 【B】 to visit the museum from Mahoroba Station, you need more than thirty minutes to get to the museum.
オ If you are at Mahoroba Station at 5:00 p.m. and choose 【C】 to visit the museum, you can enter the museum on that day.
(2) あなたは,まほろば駅から,せんと博物館ヘ一人で行くことにした。【A】~【D】のうち,どの行き方を選ぶか。あなたの考えを,その理由も含めて 15語程度の英語で書 け。 ただし,1 文または 2 文で書き コンマやピリオドなどは語数に含めないこと。 なお,選んだものを,それぞれA,B,C,Dと表してよい。
ア:”Kano Eitoku”展示は2023年4月1日~10月31日まで開催しているので、9月1日は開催中で正しい。
Haruka, Mai, Tatsuya, Ken, and Ichiro are high school students. They are members of the school’s English club. After school, they are talking in the English club room.
Haruka : Last week we mainly talked about the school festival in September and decided to make a club T-shirt. I hope we can wear the T-shirts at the school festival. Today, let’s talk about the design.
Mai : How about putting the names of all the club members on the T-shirt?
Tatsuya : I like that idea. That shows we are a team, and I think it’s good to put our first names on the T-shirt.
Haruka : Yes. We always use first names when we call each other. What do you think, Ken?
Ken : Well, we can wear our T-shirts in school, but I don’t want to wear the T-shirt outside of school if our names are on it. So, I don’t think it’s a good idea to put our names on the T-shirt.
Haruka : I see. It may be difficult to wear the T-shirt with printed names outside of school, but we can keep it as a memorable item. So, I agree with the idea of putting names on the T-shirt. Anyway, that is just one idea. Do you have any other ideas for the design, Ichiro?
Ichiro : 【 】
(注) mainly 主に
design デザイン
first name 名前
outside of ~の外で
memorable 記悦に残る
item 品物
What are the English club members mainly talking about?
ア They are mainly talking about the school festival in September.
イ They are mainly talking about the design for their club T-shirt.
ウ They are mainly talking about the club members’first names.
エ They are mainly talking about the club members’ memorable items.
(2)Maiの提案に賛同している人を,次のア~ウからすべて選び, その記号を書け。
ア Haruka
イ Tatsuya
ウ Ken
(3)あなたがIchiroならHarukaの質問にどのように答えるか。【 】に入る英語を20語程度で書け。ただし,2文または3文で書きコンマやピリオドなどは語数に含めないこと。
【例】I’m good at drawing pictures, so I can draw pictures of our faces. How about putting them on the T-shirt?
次の英文を読んで,各問いに答えよ。 なお英文の左側の[1]~[5]は各段落の番号を示している。
[1]When too many people visit a place on holiday, the place is affected a lot, and many people living there face serious problems. This is called “overtourism”. When too many people come, a lot of garbage is left behind. Noise and traffic accidents increase when too many visitors come by car or by bus. The natural environment is also destroyed. People who live there suffer from these problems. Overtourism is happening in many places around the world. It is also happening in some places in Japan.
[2]In Kamakura, overtourism is happening. It is a very famous city for sightseeing and has a lot of places to visit. Kamakura was visited by more than 20,000,000 people in one year at its peak. The local train called Enoden is very popular. On some holidays, it takes about one hour to enter a station and ride the trains because so many visitors come to ride them. This makes the lives of the people who live near the stations inconvenient. Kamakura City is trying hard to solve this problem. For example, the city carried out a social experiment which allowed the local people to ride the trains without waiting. However, overtourism is still a big problem in Kamakura.
[3]Overtourism is happening at Mt. Fuji, too. Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. Many people from all over the world visit Mt. Fuji. More than 8,000 people climbed the mountain in one day at its peak. The trails are sometimes very crowded, so it takes more time to reach the top. There are no garbage boxes on the trails to protect the environment. Visitors have to take their garbage home, but some of them do not know about it and leave their garbage on the mountain. Shizuoka Prefecture is trying hard to reduce garbage on Mt. Fuji. Visitors can get a garbage bag at some starting points of the trails.
The message “Please take your garbage home.” is written in many different languages on the bag, so visitors can learn about the garbage problem happening at Mt.Fuji. However, overtourism is still a serious problem there.
[4]Some places in Kyoto also suffering from overtourism, but one of the places has been working on it. It is Saihoji. It is a temple which has a beautiful garden, and visitors have ha peaceful time there. In the past, the people who lived around the temple suffered from too much noise because so many people visited it from all over the world to see the garden. The noise destroyed their peaceful lives. Saihoji and its neighbors tried to solve the problem. They discussed it many times and tried various ways. Finally, Saihoji decided to reduce the number of visitors and started to ask them to make reservations and come in small groups. Thanks to this system, the neighbors’peaceful lives are back again. Now, visitors and the neighbors are sharing the peaceful time.
[5]It is not easy to solve overtourism when it happens in a wide area such as Kamakura and Mt. Fuji. The example of Saihoji shows us one of the solutions to keep a balance between tourism and the environment.
(注)face 直面する
leave behind 置き去りにする
accident 事故
suffer from ~に苦しむ
at one’s peak 最も多い時には
Enoden 江ノ電(江ノ島電鉄の略称)
inconvenient 不便な
carry out 実施する
social experiment 社会実験
allow 許す
trail 登山道
work on ~に取り組む
in the past かつては
discuss 話し合う
make a reservation 予約を取る
balance パランス
tourism 観光事業
段落 | 見出し |
[1] | What is overtourism? |
[2] | 【A】 in Kamakura |
[3] | 【B】 at Mt.Fuji |
[4] | 【C】around Saihoji |
[5] | One solution to overtourism |
ア The problem of garbage
イ The problem of noise
ウ The problem of language
エ The problem of traffic
オ The problem of social experiment
カ The problem of a small-group visiting system
(2)英文の内容について,次の問いにそれぞれ3語以上の 英語で答えよ。ただし,コンマやピリオドなどは語数に含めないこと。
① What do people who visit Mt. Fuji have to do to protect its environment?
② Do people need to make reservations when they visit Saihoji?
ア People who liive ve in some places in Japan are suffering from overtourism.
イ In Kamakura, it is sometimes difficult for visitors to ride the trains because they are used by so many local people.
ウ The message written on the garbage bag tells visitors how many people climb Mt. Fuji in one day at its peak.
エ Some places suffering from overtourism in Kyoto give visitors garbage bags to solve the problem.
オ Saihoji and its neighbors discussed various ways to keep the garden beautiful.
カ The system to reduce the number of visitors has been working well around Saihoji.
イはvisitorsとlocal peopleが逆なので誤り。