






次の問 1 ~問 3 に答えなさい。
問1 次の図書館の利用案内とカレンダーを見て,下の1,2の質問の答えとして最も適当なものを,ア~工の中から一つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
1 How many days can you use the library in September?
ア 26 days
イ 27 days
ウ 28 days
エ 29 days
2 Which is NOT true about the library?
ア You can use the library every Tuesday in October.
イ You can use the library longer on Monday than on Saturday.
ウ You can’t borrow six books at one time for two weeks.
エ You can’t talk with your friends in a big voice in the library.
問2 次のグラフは,1世帯あたりのマグロの平均消費量(the amount of tuna a famiiy ate on average) を2016 年に5つの県で調査した結果を表しています。 これを見て,あとの1,2の( )に入る最も適当なものを,ア~工の中から一つずつ選び, 記号で答えなさい。
1 A family in Prefecture B ate ( )of tuna on average in 2016.
ア 500g
イ 1,500g
ウ 3,000g
エ 4,500g
2 A family in Prefecture C ate ( ) the amount of tuna a family in Prefecture D did on average in 2016.
ア half
イ second
ウ twice
エ two
問3 次の「薬の使用上の注意」を見て, 下の 1,2の質問の答えとして最も適当なものを ア~工の中から一つずつ選び 記号で答えなさい。
1 How many tablets in total do YOU have to take in a day?
ア 1 tablet
イ 2 tablets
ウ 3 tablets
エ 4 tablets
2 Which is true about this medicine?
ア If you have a stomachache, you should take this medicine.
イ If you brother is five years old, he should take one tablet after dinner.
ウ It may be dangerous to drive a car after taking this medicine.
エ You can take this medicine without water when you are hungry.
問1 1 【正答 ア】
問1 2 【正答 イ】
問2 1 【正答 ウ】
問2 2 【正答 ウ】
問3 1 【正答 エ】
問3 2 【正答 ウ】
問1 海外で生活をしているクミコ(Kumiko)さんが,近所に住むネルソン(Ms. Nelson)さんと小学校のホームページを見ながら話をしています。次の(①), (②)に入る組み合わせとして最も適当なものを 下のア~工の中から一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
Ms. Nelson:May 30 is a “Clean-Up Day” at the elementary school near ottr houses. Do you want to try any volunteer activities with me?
Kumiko:Yes. Where are you going to clean?
Ms. Nelson:Flower gardens. The school needs only (①) volunteers, so I sent an e-mail yesterday.
Kumiko:That’s good because you love flowers. Well, for me, cleaning the (②) sounds interesting.
Ms. Nelson:Really? You need to prepare quite a lot of things.
Kumiko:No problem. I can prepare all of them.
ア (① )6 ( ② )classrooms
イ (① )6 ( ② )pool
ウ (① )8 ( ② )classrooms
エ (① )8 ( ② )pool
問2 ボブ(Bob)さんとメアリー(Mary)さんによる次の会話文を読んで,下線部が意味している内容として最も適当なものを 下のア~工の中から一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
Bob:There are so many restaurants around here.
Mary:Yes, all kinds of foods look delicious to me. Where shall we go for lunch?
Bob: It’s up to you.
Mary:OK. Then, let’s go to a Chinese restaurant.
ア Bobis asking what Mary usually eats at restaurants.
イ Bob thin.ks that Mary should eat more food.
ウ Bob wants to decide the restaurant by himself.
エ Bob will follow Mary’s choice about their lunch.
問3 次の英文は,看護師にインタビューをした二人の中学生ハナ(Hana)さんとケイタ(Keita)さんが英語で書いた感想(impression)です。感想に書かれた内容について最も適当なものを 下のア~エの中から 一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
Hana’s impression
Nurses are very busy. They have to learn about how to t非ecare of their patients.
However, they are always friendly withthe patients, ask ·their problems carefully, and try to understand their feelings. Nurses also get along with the doctors. I’ve found these kinds of skills are very important for muses.
Keita’s impression
I was impressed with the efforts of the muses because they help many people. They need to be kind to every patient, from little children to elderly people. So I think communication is the most important skill for nurses. It is also important to work at night, so they should have good health.
ア Hana thinks that nurses should have good health to work at night.
イ Keita thinks that remembering all the patients names is necessary for nurses.
ウ Hana and Keita think that communication skills are very important for nurses.
エ Hana and Keita think that nurses are busy because they need to keep studying.
問4 次の英文の( )に入るものとして最も適当なものを下のア~工の中から一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
We can learn from listening to our grandparents. My grandfather sometimes tells me stories about his life. He’s 75 years old now. He says his life was difficult. When he was young, his father died So he had to work hard to support his younger brothers and sisters. He didn’t have enough time to go to high school. But he was *positive and never forgot to be nice to the people around him. He always tried his best to help anyone who needed help. Everyone loved him very much. Now he is surrounded by many people and enjoys his life. He is my *role model, so ( )
(注) positive 前向きな role model 理想の姿
ア I hope elderly men will have a happy life instead of my grandfather
イ I hope everyone will make the江 own company and become rich
ウ I want to be a nice person who thinks about other people
エ I want to study English and work in a foreign country
問1 【正答 エ】
問2 【正答 エ】
問3 【正答 ウ】
問4 【正答 ウ】
中学生のタロウ (Taro) さんは, 学校が休校になったときに考えたことについて, 英語でスピーチを行っています。
次の英文はその内容です。これを読んで, あとの間1~間6に答えなさい。
Last April my life changed a lot. All the schools were closed and I had to stay at home for about two months. At first, I was happy because I had no classes. I didn’t have club activities on weekends. I had a Lot of仕ee time. I enjoyed playing video games and *staying up late at night. But soon I began to *miss my usual school life. I missed my friends, even classes and club activities. I felt (A).
I have an older brother who is studying at college to be a teacher. His college was also closed in April. After a while, his school started giving *online classes. I thought taking online classes at home was a good way for college students to study in this difficult situation. However, he said, “It’s not a perfect way for college students like me. We need to get teaching experience at school but we can’t (1)do that right now. I’m wondering when we can.”
After that I learned more about online classes on TV. A TV program said, “some students relax too much at home, so their attention will soon disappear during those classes.” Also, if we take online classes, we need to prepare good online conditions. Without those conditions, we may have problems during the class. For example, some students couldn’t hear their teachers’voice clearly. Online classes have (2)these bad poin, but still they can be a good chance. First, having online classes is safe. We don’t have to worry about studying in a crowded room. Second, we don’t need a lot of time to go to school. Then we’ll have more time to spend with our family. Third, we can take part in online classes anywhere. For example, when we have to stay in hospital, we can keep studying with our classmates even from there. I know that we can’t learn all of the subjects online *successfully, but I think having classes online will be our new way of learning from now.
Our school started again in June and we come to school every day. (3)Now I realize of going to school. We don’t know its importance until we lose it. What did you think when you were staying at home?
(注) stay up late 遅くまで起きている miss~ ~がなくてさみしく思う online オンラインの/で successfully うまく
問1 (A)に入れるのに適当でないものを,次のア~工 の中から一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア lonely
イ proud
ウ sad
エ unhappy
問2 次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 ただし,主語と動詞を含む英語 1 文で答えること。
質問 What does Taro’s brother want to be in the future?
問3 下線部(1)が表す具体的な内容を本文中から5語で抜き出して答えなさい。
問4 下線部(2)について,タロウさんが挙げているものを次のようにまとめました。 本文の内容に合うように(a), (b)に入る適当な日本語を答えなさい。
・家で授業を受けると, くつろぎすぎて(a)ことがある。
問5 タロウさんがスピーチの中で述ぺている考えとして正しいものを次のア~エの中から一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア Online classes are safe because many students study in a crowded room.
イ Online classes give the students in hospital a chance to learn from there.
ウ Online classes have already become the best way for students to learn .
エ Online classes take away too much family time from the students.
問6 スピーチ終了後下線部(3)について説明を求められたタロウさんが,具体例を英語で述ぺています。タロウさんになったつもりで次の( )に入る表現を考え,文を完成させなさい。ただし,3語以上の英語で書くこと。
問1 【正答 イ】
問2 【正答 He wants to be a teacher.】
問3 【正答 get teaching experience at school】
問4 【正答 a. 注意力がすぐになくなる b.先生の声がはっきりと聞こえない】
問5 【正答 イ】
問6 【正答 (例)sharing my ideas】
問1 次の1, 2の会話文について,( )入る最も適当な英語l語を答えなさい。
A:What ( ) do people speak in Brazil?
B:They speak Portuguese.
A:Tell me about your country Australia.
B:It’s the sixth largest country in the world and for ( ) koalas.
問2 次の1~3の会話文について,( )内の全ての語を意味が通じるように並べかえて, 英文を完成させなさ い。なお,( )内の語句のみを答えること。
A:Takeshi, I’m making a dog house now. Can (a/ give / hand / me / you)?
B:Sure. I’m corning.
A:Which team is going to win?
B:I don’t know. I’ve (an / exciting / never / such/ watched) game like this before.
A:The movie was boring.
B:Well, it (as / as /impressive/ not/ was) the movie we saw last week.
問3 次の1, 2のイラストについて, 自然な会話になるように(a),(b)に入る適当な表現をそれぞれ3語以上の英語で書きなさい。 2文以上になってもかまいません。 なお,会話は①~④の順に行われています。
(.,? !などの符号は語数に含めません。)
問4 英語の授業で行っている話し合いの中で,トモキ(Tomoki)さんとマイ(Mai)さんが自分の意見を述べています。最後の先生の質問に対して,あなた自身 の意見を英語で苔きなさい。ただし,次の〈条件〉①~④ のすぺてを満たすこと。
① 1文目にはトモキさんとマイさんのどちらの立場に賛成かを書くこと。
② 賛成する理由を一つ挙げ,その理由を補足する事柄や具体例とともに書くこと。
③ 吹き出しの中の語句を使ってもかまわないが,自分 が賛成する立場の人が述ぺていない内容を書くこと。
④ 語数は20語以上とする。
(注)concentrateon ~ ing ~することに集中する review 復習する effective 効果的である
問1 1 【正答 language】
問1 2 【正答 famous】
問2 1 【正答 you give me a hand】
問2 2 【正答 never watched such an exciting】
問2 3 【正答 was not as impressive as】
問3(a) 【正答 (例)Let’s take a rest under that tree.
問3(b) 【正答 (例)How about this smaller one?】
問4 【正答 (例)
トモキさんに賛成の場合:I agree with Tomoki. I finish my homework at school. I can ask my teachers and friends after school. That works well.
マイさんに賛成の場合:I’m for Mai’s opinion. I can concentrate well on studying early in the morning. It is very silent in my house.】