問1 次のNo.1~No.3の会話を読み( )にあてはまる適切な英語を,それぞれ1語で答えなさい。
*Salesperson:Hello. May I help you?
John: Yes, I want to buy a T-shirt.
Salesperson : ( )about this blue one?
(注)salesperson 店員
A man : Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the nearest station?
Kaori : Sure. Go down this street and ( )right at the next corner. You’ll find it on your left.
A man : Thank you.
Kate : It’s very hot today. I want something to( ).
Mother : Sure. Here’s some orange juice.
Kate : Thank you.
問2 次のNo.1,No.2の英文を読み,( )にあてはまる最も適切な語を,次のア~エからひとつずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
Erika likes at ( ) the store next to the library because things are not expensive there.
ア studying
イ singing
ウ reading
エ shopping
I wanted to watch that TV program yesterday,( )I had no time to watch it.
ア because
イ but
ウ if
エ or
問3 次の会話の下線部について,( )内の語を並べかえ,意味のとおる英文にしなさい。
Tomoki : What is that *building? It looks old, , but very beautiful.
Mary : Oh, it is (was / built / temple / which / a)three hundred years ago.
(注)building 建物
問1 No.1 【正答 How】
問1 No.2 【正答 turn】
問1 No.3 【正答 drink】
問2 No.1 【正答 エ】
問2 No.2 【正答 イ】
問3 【正答 (Oh, it is) a temple which was built (three hundred years ago.)】
中学3年生のかずお(Kazuo)さんが,昼休みに教室で過ごしていると,オーストラリアからの留学生のスティーブ (Steve)さんがやってきました,絵1~絵4は,そのときの二人の会話の様子を上から順に示したものです。これらの会話を説み,あとの各問いに答えなさい。
問1 絵2の(①),絵4の(②)に入る英文を,それぞれ2語以上の一文で杏きなさい。ただし,I’mのような短縮形は1語として数え,符号(,や.など)は訴数に含めないこととします。
問2 次の発表は,夏休み後,かずおさんが,英語の授業でおこなった,サマーキャンプについてのス ピーチの内容です。これを読み,発表の下線部の問いか けに対するあなたの考えをあとの条件に従って20語程度の英語で甚きなさい。ただし,I’mのような短縮形は1 語として数え,符号(,や.など)は語数に含めないこととします。
During summer vacation, I went to a summer Camp with Steve. We rode on horses and went hiking. I met a high school student there. Her name was Tomoko. She was a volunteer and helped us when we did the *activities. I asked her, “Why d.id you decide to work as a volunteer?” She answered, “I wanted to do something useful for other people.”
I think doing volunteer work will be a good experience, and it will help me to become a ?member of *society. What do you think? What kind of volunteer work do you want to do ?
(注) aclivilies : aclivity「括動」の複数形 society 社会
問1① 【正答 (例)Where is Mt.Daisen it】
問1② 【正答 (例)What will you do (?)】
問2 【正答 (例)I want to clean the park near my house because it will make the park nicer for people to enjoy.】
中学生のなおや(Naoya)さんとアメリカから来た留学 生のジョン(John)さんがいるクラスで,来週,環税問題に ついて,全員がそれぞれテーマを設定して発表することになりました。次の会話はなおやさんとジョンさんが発表に向けての話をしたときのものです。あとのグラフ (Graph 1. Graph 2)は,ジョンさんが発表用に準備した ものです。また,あとのスピーチは,なおやさんが実際に 行った発表の内容です。これらを読み,あとの各問いに答 えなさい。
Naoya : What are you going to talk about for your speech in English class next week?
John : I’m going to talk about the problem of *plastic. We use a lot of plastic every day, like shopping bags and water bottles. When we throw them away, some of them go into the river, and then go into the sea. Small pieces of plastic look like food to fish, so a lot of fish eat the plastic.
Naoya : That’s a big problem! How much plastic *waste do people throw away?
John : Look at ①these two graph. Graph 1 shows how much plastic waste these four countries produced in 2010. Graph 2 shows how much plastic waste each person in each of these countries produced m 2010. China, as a country, produced the most *amount of plastic waste. Ame1-ica is second. It is said that about 8 *million tons of plastic waste is going into the sea every year.
Naoya : It is the (②)amount of the plastic waste which Japan produced as a country!
John : That’s true.
Naoya: In India, people produced the *least amount of plastic waste as a country and *per person. I want to know why.
John : Me too. ③ I want to check the Internet and learn more about it. Then I can finish writing my speech this weekend. What are you going to talk about for your speech, Naoya?
Naoya : I will talk about plastic too. Plastic is making our life better, but it is *causmg *serious problems for the *envirorunent. I think we need to do something. I’m going to talk about plastic bags.
(注)plastic プラスチック(の),ピニール(の)
waste ごみ,廃棄物 amount of ~ の量
million ton(s) 百万トン(重さの単位)
least : little 「少ない」の最上級
per person 一人あたり
causing : cause 「~を生じさせる」の現在分詞形
serious 深刻な environment 環境
Do you use plastic bags when you go shopping? Now we must *pay for plastic bags if we want them at the store. I think that this is good because we need to stop using plastic bags to *reduce plastic waste for the environment. Many people take their own bags to the store now. I have started to take my own bag too.
However, there are still some people who use plastic bags. These people say. “Plastic bags are only 2% of the plastic waste produced in the world. (④)?”
My answer is this. If you stop using plastic bags, you can make a small difference. It is only a small *step. but if all of us take small steps to make the environment better, we will take a big step together. Our world will be a better place for all people and animals.
(注)pay (お金を)支払う reduce ~を減らす step 一歩
問1 2人の会話で指摘されていることとして最も適切なものを,次のア~エからひとつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア People have stopped throwing plastic away.
イ Plastic helps fish in many ways.
ウ Some animals produce the plastic in the sea.
工 Fish think the plastic in the sea is food.
問2 会話の下線部1について,会話の内容から判断して,Graph 1.2の(A)~(C)にあてはまる国名の組み合わせとして最も適切なものを,次のア~エからひとつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア (A)America (B)India (C)China
イ (A)China (B)America (C)India
ウ (A)China (B)India (C)Amrrica
エ (A)India (B)America (C)China
間3 会話の内容から判断して,(②)にあてはまる適切な英語を,1語で答えなさい。
間4 会話の下線部③について,会話の内容から判断して,ジョンさんがインターネットで調べたいと思っていることは何ですか。次の( )にあてはまるように30字以内の日本語で答えなさい。ただし,句読点も1字に数えることとします。
グラフ中の4か国のうち,( )こと。
問5 スピーチの内容から判断して,(④)にあてはまる最も適切な英文を,次のア~エからひとつ選び、記号で答えなさい。
ア What are the plastic bags made of
イ How should we ask more people to use plastic
ウ Where does the other plastic go
工 Why do we have to stop using plastic bags
問6 スピーチにおいて,なおやさんが伝えたい内容とー致する英文として最も適切なものを,次のア~エからひとつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア We don’t have to worry about plastic because it is only a part of the problem for the environment.
イ The problems of plastic are so difficult that we should stop thinking about what to do.
ウ Taking our own bags to the store may be a small thing to do, but it will make a difference if everyone does it.
工 People will not be able to stop using plastic bags. so it is too late to do something for the environment.
問1 【正答 エ】
問2 【正答 イ】
問3 【正答 same】
問4 【正答 インドの人々が出すプラスチックごみの量はなぜ少ないのかという】
問5 【正答 エ】
問6 【正答 ウ】
次の英文は,メアリ ー (Mary)さんとルーク(Luke)さんの物語です。これを説み,あとの各問いに答えなさい。
Mary and Luke are famous musicians. The music they play is beautiful and they are special. Why are they special?
Luke was a high school student in Australia, and playing the piano was his favorite thing to do. On weekends, he often played for five or six hours. One day, when he was going to school, he *was in a car accident and was taken to the hospital. Four months later, he was able to go home, but his life was changed. He couldn’t move the left side of his body. He tried to move his left hand many times, but it didn’t move. He thought to himself, “I *cannot play the piano anymore.” He felt that his whole world *was over. He felt very (①).
Mary was an Australian student who wanted to be a piano teacher. She practiced the piano every day to make her dream come true. When she was 15 years old. she became sick and had to stay in the hospital for three months. The doctor said to her, “The right side of your body is weak. We will do our best to help you, but you may not be able to use your right hand.” ② It was very difficult believe the doctor’s words. She still wanted to be a piano teacher.
A few years later, Mary went to a *community center. She wanted to find something she could do. When the *director was *showing her around, she heard the beautiful sound of the pfano. ③ She started crying. “Are you OK?” the director asked. “The piano brings back memories. It brings back the dreams I had for my future.” The director looked at her right hand. Then he said, “Come wilh me, Mary. I want you to meet someone. ” She was surprised to see a man playing the piano beautifully with only one hand. “This is Luke,” the director said, “He cannot move the left side of his body because of a car accident, but his love for playing the piano never changed.”
Mary walked to Luke and said, “Nice to meet you, Luke. I’m Mary.” “Do you know *Polonaise-Fantaisie?” Mary asked Luke. “Yes, I love it,” he answered. “Would you like to play it with me?” Luke asked. ④ Together they began to play the piano. The music they played was beautiful. They were not (⑤)anymore.
Mary says, “⑥ When one door is closed, another door opens. I lost my music, but I found Luke. Now I have my music again.” Luke says, “Life is sometimes difficult. But if you don’t give up your dreams, you can find something you really want to do.”
(注)was in a car accident 交通事故にあった
not ~ anymore もう~でない
was over 終わった
community center コミュニテイセンター(地域の人々 が集まってスポーツや文化的な活動ができる場所)
director センター長
show ~ around ~を案内する
Polonaise-Fantaisie 「ポロネーズ第7番幻想」(ショパンの代表曲の一つ)
問1 本文の内容から判断して,(①)と(⑤)に共通してあてはまる英語を,1語で答えなさい。
問2 本文の内容から判断して,下線部②の理由として最も適切なものを次のア~エからひとつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア Because she was happy with the words of her doctor.
イ Because she didn’t want to give up her dream.
ウ Because she thought she would be able to use her right hand soon.
工 Because she was too young to understand the words of her doctor.
問3 本文の内容から判断して,下線部③の理由として最も適切なものを,次のア~エからひとつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア 初めて訪れたコミュニテイセンターで.とても緊張していたから。
イ コミュニティセンターには,自分がやりたい活動がなかったから。
ウ ピアノの音を聞いて,自分がビアノを弾いていた時のことを思い出したから。
工 聞こえてたピアノの演奏がとても上手で感動したから。
問4 本文の内容から判断して,下線部④の様子を表している絵として,最も適切なものを,次のア~工からひとつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
問5 下椋部⑥について,メアリーさんがこのように述べているのはなぜですか。その理由を,「~から。」に続くように,彼女の経験をふまえて10字以内の日本語で答えなさい。ただし,句読点も1字に数えることとします。
問6 本文の内容をふまえて,次の質問に対するあなたの考えを、10語程度の英語で書きなさい。ただし,I’mのような短縮形は1語として数え,符号(.や,など)は語数に含めないこととします。
質問 What did you learn from the srory?
問1 【正答 (例)sad】
問2 【正答 イ】
問3 【正答 ウ】
問4 【正答 ア】
問5 【正答 以前のようにはピアノを弾けなくなったが,ルークと出会い再び弾けるようになった(から。)】
問6 【正答 (例)I learned that we should not give up our dreams.】